- 1
- 1
[Tickets] Modal creation min/max comparison error
#213 opened by EternalllZM - 1
- 0
[Tickets] Working Hours Feature
#196 opened by StormyGalaxy - 0
[LevelUp] Feature Request: Activity XP Bonus
#207 opened by EternalllZM - 0
[LevelUp] Configurable XP multi by Presence
#209 opened by LeDeathAmongst - 3
[LevelUp] API endpoint exposing `userdata` (EXP, Levels etc) & other `essentials`.
#211 opened by cool-aid-man - 2
[LvelUp] feature request: Rolling 30 day stats
#208 opened by MagicDanielle - 3
[LevelUp] `lvlset commandxp` is giving xp even when its disabled. + 2 Queries.
#205 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
[Cartographer] backup messages in specific channels instead of all of them
#202 opened by RawrUniversal - 5
[Tickets] Two requests (roles/message)
#199 opened by sLmp20 - 1
[Cartographer] restoring backwards
#201 opened by RawrUniversal - 1
[NoNuke] Self updates can trigger actions
#200 opened by EternalllZM - 3
- 1
[LevelUp] Unable to show Profile
#210 opened by TheOneMightyArc - 0
[Tickets] Ability to change posted embed
#203 opened by TaakoOfficial - 5
[VrtUtils] or, [NewCog] Feature Req: Have a cmd to Manage the new APP/Bot Emojis.
#193 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
Ticket embed args aren't right
#194 opened by Fajardao - 1
[ExtendedEconomy] Refractor the cog to accept per-server pricing system while keeping the global bank intact
#183 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
Globally configured leveling type and card
#192 opened by PBOwner - 2
Integrating conversions from Arcane
#191 opened by PBOwner - 3
AutoDocs on python 3.10
#190 opened by PBOwner - 3
[p]mypf addfont
#184 opened by PBOwner - 3
- 1
[LevelUp] Multiple Issues with levelup
#178 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
I can’t configure endpoints
#181 opened by R3TR0V1P3R - 2
Assistant repeating and over and over again
#177 opened by JReming85 - 1
Assistant missing endpoint option
#176 opened by JReming85 - 4
- 2
[LevelUp] Levelup is not registering image/Img_link as profile background
#168 opened by cool-aid-man - 3
[NoNuke] Multiple issues and feedbacks
#167 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
Algorithm Fix
#172 opened by Tott3 - 4
NoNuke Guild not in cache + additional quick_link function for exportchat, tickets
#166 opened by cool-aid-man - 1
ERROR [red] Package loading failed
#165 opened by Thereaper091 - 1
[Assistant] Error when using !chat
#162 opened by KinoShiro - 1
[NoNuke] Getting rate limited (429-ed)
#164 opened by cool-aid-man - 2
- 2
[Tickets] [p]renameticket and /renameticket cannot be used together in a single ticket.
#155 opened by Skyridr - 1
Voice chat support with Whisper AI and Open AI TTS?
#159 opened by Strider27 - 3
- 1
- 1
[Pixl] Answers are `case sesitive` when uploaded via .txt file & `showglobal` instead `useglobal`
#154 opened by cool-aid-man - 4
[Tickets] Exception in command 'tickets addmodal' (Embed size exceeds maximum size of 6000)
#152 opened by Skyridr - 2
[cartographer] incorrect allowed guild type in db
#151 opened by Technetium1 - 1
[cartographer] missing requirements
#145 opened by Technetium1 - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 4