
Quick & Dirty (Q&D) rack app for bridging between Slack & Trello

Primary LanguageRuby


Heroku bridge between Slack and Trello to create cards from slack commands.


Designed to be deployed to heroku and just needs the following setup:


comma list of slack tokens generated when creating a new slack command.

Now it gets complicated! For each slack user, need to create a variable containing their trello keys:

trello.keys.<slack user name>=<token>,<dev key>

Each trello user can obtain their key and token from trello. Their slack user name can be found out by trying out the command '/trello' in slack - it will echo back with your slack username (if the slack command was already created).

In the end, you'll need a URL that looks like this:


Important here is the scope value of read,write otherwise you won't be able to create cards but only read them.

The token that is shown on the page because the secret in the above configuration.

Why do this?

Because cards are created in a users name, so cards are created with the correct creator.

Board Name

So which board do cards go to?

SlackTello tries to be clever about this and take the channel name from which the command was run, e.g. from the tracking channel:

#tracking> /trello hello world

SlackTello will look for a board with the name:

/tracking board/i ## regular expression
/tracking/i ## regular expression

There are a number of ways of overriding this, one by setting the environment variable:

board.name.tracking=Some Board Name

which would make slacktello, instead of the board names above, look for:

Some Board Name
/Some Board Name board/i ## regular expression
/Some Board Name/i ## regular expression

One other way of overriding this is to use the board argument:

#tracking> /trello board:"Some Board Name" some card text

this would make slacktello look for the board names:

Some Board Name
/Some Board Name/i ## regular expression

If no board is found, then slacktello gives up.

List Name

Cards are created in the To Do list by default. If the list does not exist, it's created. The list name can be overridden by setting the following:

board.list.<channel name>=Some List Name

Note: this only works with the channel name, nothing else.

Post Back

Normally the output of trello command is echo'ed just to the user who created the card and not posted in the channel from which they created the card.

You can change this behaviour and get a message posted in the channel by adding the following environment variable:


You obtain the url from slack. Note this url is bound to a channel but can be used for any channel and slacktello will override the default channel with the one from which the card was created.


Host this on heroku is a matter of creating an application at Heroku and pushing this code to that application. You'll have a heroku URL to access the application and you can use that as endpoint for your slack command, e.g.:


Important is to use the slack/commands path on the URL.

Deploy To Heroku


Thanks to the developers of the ruby-trello gem and to the developers of slack-poster - made developing slacktello too easy!


Released under the GPLv2.

See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0 for details.

Contributing to SlackTello

  • fork the project
  • start a feature branch
  • make sure to add tests
  • please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history