Golnag Server using Echo Tutorials Series - Link
Sources for tutorial series on Youtube for creating a web server in Golang using the Echo Package.
The Series will go through most of Echo features like requests types, CRUD, playing with headers, cookies Middlewares and more. Starting from the very basic 'hello world' and finishing with a full production server ready for a real life app.
Each part have a video and a branch of the end state, each next part starts on top of the one before it. master is the last published part.
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/verybluebot/echo-server-tutorial.git
cd into it:
cd echo-server-tutorial
define GOPATH
note: this is asuming you are inside the root of the project.
echo GOPATH=`pwd`
build binaries:
go install main
run the server:
Note: if you want to use anything other the master
aka the last publish part, switch to
its branch and build binaries.
list all branches:
git branch -a
checkout to the branch you want and build/run like before:
git checkout part_1_hello_world
go install main