- 2
[ISSUE] - Compiler warning with latest `PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy` file included in "sources" of podspec.
#386 opened by gerry-wood-sumup - 4
[FEATURE] Native SwiftUI Support
#245 opened by ericlewis - 2
[FEATURE] MicroBlink - Expose customization of MBCBlinkCardRecognizer
#377 opened by trevor-holliday-instacart - 9
[FEATURE] Apple PrivacyManifest
#376 opened by trevor-holliday-instacart - 5
`VGSTextField` and `VGSLabel` have no intrinsicContentSize, requires manually setting height & width
#363 opened by joshuakcockrell - 2
- 3
- 5
- 8
- 10
[ISSUE] Crash in APIClient upon deinit
#299 opened by myeyesareblind - 6
[FEATURE] Accessibility support for text fields
#300 opened by isuert - 2
- 1
- 2
[FEATURE] Similar behavior on expiration date field for iOS and Android
#276 opened by rubina-shakhkyan - 25
- 4
[ISSUE] VGSSdk 1.7.11 causes build failure
#269 opened by rubina-shakhkyan - 5
VGSCollectSDK (1.7.6) seems to crash on vgsView.vgsCollect.sendData(path: , extraData: )
#252 opened by sha8wn - 1
[Feature][Enable customizing year and month order for expiration date field(e.g. 01/2022 or 2022/01)]
#259 opened by rubina-shakhkyan - 3
- 0
[FEATURE] Is it possible to change the request url ?
#246 opened by sha8wn - 7
- 2
[ISSUE] Validation for expired date filed with calendar non gregorian
#217 opened by hoangtuanfithou - 2
Precompiled framework binary?
#204 opened by basememara - 3
Images missing when using Swift Package Manager
#203 opened by basememara - 3
[ISSUE] Cannot integrate with SwiftUI app
#185 opened by basememara - 2
[ISSUE] Memory leak in VGSCollect
#161 opened by DagAgren - 3
[FEATURE] Add Swift Package Manager support
#186 opened by basememara - 2
[ISSUE] Card number validation
#157 opened by isimpson - 2
- 1
Issue with SSN validation
#173 opened by siddharthsuneel-Deserve - 5
- 2
[FEATURE] Expose CardIO hideCardIOLogo property
#159 opened by isimpson - 3
[ISSUE] Handling of slashes in expiry date field.
#150 opened by DagAgren - 2
[FEATURE] Do not hide CVC field
#151 opened by DagAgren - 1
[ISSUE] Visa regex is incorrect.
#154 opened by DagAgren - 3
[ISSUE] Placing text cursor in card number field
#152 opened by DagAgren - 3
[ISSUE] Unable to dismiss VGSCardIOScanController
#147 opened by thinhv - 3
[FEATURE] RTL support for VGSCardTextField
#138 opened by thinhv - 5
Is it possible to know that the VGSTextField (with card number type) fully filled in and not valid?
#121 opened by thinhv - 3
Is it possible not to use Alamofire?
#120 opened by thinhv - 0
Card Number Validation
#13 opened by miraving - 0
Card Holder Formatter
#12 opened by miraving - 0
Expiration Date Validation
#14 opened by miraving - 0
Card Number Formatter
#9 opened by miraving - 0
Expiration Date Formatter
#10 opened by miraving - 0
CVV Code Formatter
#11 opened by miraving - 0
New VGSTextFields behaviors
#17 opened by miraving - 0
VGS TextField model
#18 opened by miraving - 0
Make possibility for configuring the Framework
#16 opened by miraving - 0
Hide keyboard after send data
#15 opened by miraving