
A group of tools I programmed that I use regularly. Public because why not, exists because I was tired of scrolling through repos to copy paste the same code again and again.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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A group of tools I programmed that I use regularly. Public because why not, exists because I was tired of scrolling through repos to copy/paste the same code again and again. To see examples, check out examples.py

Projects that use yodas

  1. IOSBackupExtractor
  2. telegramChatBot
  3. deepLJSONTranslator
  4. phoneTools


From PIP

Since I didn't want to copy git repos into other projects, I made a pip package

$ pip install yodas

or to upgrade

$ pip install --upgrade yodas 

From Git Repository

The script I use is build.sh. For this I assume you already have a virtual python environment or that python3 is aliased as python.

$ python -m pip install --upgrade build
$ python -m build
$ pip install dist/*.tar.gz  # for the latest version of yodas.

From Releases (latest)

$ wget https://github.com/veryheavypickle/yodas/releases/download/v1.4.0/yodas-1.4.0.tar.gz
$ pip install yodas-1.4.0.tar.gz



>>> from yodas import camelCaseSplit
>>> camelCaseSplit(string)

This function takes a string in camel case form and returns it in "normal" form For example helloWorld results in Hello World

string: str

returns: str


>>> from yodas import snakeCaseSplit
>>> snakeCaseSplit(string)

This function takes a string in snake case form and returns it in "normal" form For example hello_world results in Hello World

string: str

returns: str


>>> from yodas import caseSplit
>>> caseSplit(string)

This function takes a string in camel case or snake case form and returns it in "normal" form For example helloWorld and hello_world both results in Hello World

string: str

returns: str


>>> from yodas import unixToDatetime
>>> unixToDatetime(float)

This function takes a unix time float/int and returns a datetime object. For example 605703600 results in 1989-03-12 12:00:00

unixTimestamp: float

returns: datetime.datetime



This creates a CLI menu based on the inputs.


from yodas import Menu
Menu(items, title=None, subtitle=None, execute=True, layout=None)

items: list (required)

title: str

subtitle: str

execute: bool

layout: str

returns: Menu

items When inputting a [dictionary], it will assume that the key is the title of the object as a string, the value can be any data type, even functions

title If not none, will display everytime menu.select() is called.

subtitle If not none, will display everytime menu.select() is called.

execute By default it is True, if a function is inputted in items, it will automatically execute it when selected

layout This is a string that customises the appearance of the menu.


>>> from yodas import Menu
>>> menu = Menu(["hello"])

To run the CLI

>>> menu.select()
0 : hello

Choose an option: 

Inputting 0, the function menu.select() will return 'hello'

>>> menu.append(exit)

appending pythons built-in exit to the menu. Running menu.select() again.

>>> menu.select()
0 : hello
1 : Quit

Choose an option: 

Selecting 1 results in executing exit() automatically. To stop automatically running functions

>>> menu.setExecute(False)

This can also be setup upon menu creation

>>> menu = Menu([exit, "hello"], execute=False)

To append a custom label, just use a dictionary

>>> menu.append({"Exit Python": exit})



>>> Menu.select()

Will open a CLI interface where the user can select an option It will return any data type given to upon creating the Menu instance

returns: any


>>> Menu.append(item)

See items variable in creating a Menu instance. Appends a new item to the menu. Returns bool on whether operation was successful

item: any

returns: bool


>>> Menu.pop()

Pops the last item from the list of menu items. Returns the item removed

returns: any


>>> Menu.remove(item)

Removes a specific item from the menu list. Will return True if operation was successful, returns False if item doesn't exist

item: any

returns: bool


>>> Menu.setExecute(execute)

Sets the auto execute on the menu which dictates whether functions should be automatically executed when it is selected. Returns bool on whether operation was successful

execute: bool

returns: bool


This customises the appearance of the menu. By default, it is "=" * 50 + "\n%T\n%S".

>>> menu.setLayout(layout)

When subtitle is None, title = "Menu" and layout = "=" * 5 " %T " + "=" * 5 results in the appearance of.

===== Menu =====
0 : First menu Item
1 : 2nd Item

When subtitle is None, title = "Menu" and layout = "%T" results in the appearance of.

0 : First menu Item
1 : 2nd Item

layout: string

%T is title

%S is subtitle


This manages JSON files in a safe manner. When creating an object, the path does not have to exist. If the json file does not exist, Yoda will automatically create one using the keys as reference.

For each key given upon creation, Yoda will ask the user in a user-friendly manner, what the data is.


from yodas import Yoda
Yoda(path, keys=[])

path: str (required)

keys: list

returns: Yoda

path This is the path to the JSON file

keys This is a list of keys that will be in the JSON file. If the JSON file does not exist, Yoda will ask the user to fill out the JSON file based on the provided keys. This is used by me personally to write scripts that require authentication. For example in telegram, I don't want to have my first commits to have the telegram token.


To implement a Yoda object

>>> from yodas import Yoda
>>> yoda = Yoda("file.json", ["ping!"])

Executing this will result in

For each key, give its required value

Entering pong! will save it to the JSON file. To check this, run

>>> yoda.contents()
{'ping!': 'pong!'}

To doublecheck this

$ cat file.json
    "ping!": "pong!"



>>> Yoda.contents()

Will return the contents of the JSON file, reading from the disk everytime.

returns: dict


>>> Yoda.write(contents)

This will overwrite the existing JSON file with the variable contents. Returns bool if the operation was successful.

contents: dict

returns: bool


>>> Yoda.delete()

Will delete the JSON file associated with the Yoda instance. Returns True if it was successful, False if nothing was deleted.

returns: bool


>>> Yoda.getCreationTime()

This will get the date the file was created in datetime format. If the file doesn't exist, it will return null.

returns: datetime.datetime


>>> Yoda.getModificationTime()

This will get the date the file was modified in datetime format. If the file doesn't exist, it will return null.

returns: datetime.datetime


>>> Yoda.getPath()

Is used to get the path where the JSON file is stored.

returns: str


>>> Yoda.setPath(path)

This used to set the path

path: str


  1. In Yoda class, add option to have other variables like a key: list, or key: dict rather than just str: str
  2. In Yoda class, add option to have custom questions rather than just reading keys
  3. In Menu class, add argument management
  4. Fix camelCaseSplit() where thisIsATest results in This Is ATest



Added datetime utilities.

  1. Added Yoda.getCreationTime() which gets the creation/modifcation time of the files
  2. Added Yoda.getModificationTime()
  3. Added unixToDatetime() to convert unix timestamp to python datetime
  4. Reworked utilities


Adding more insight into the inner workings of Menu

  1. Added Menu.setLayout(layout) which customises the appearance of the Menu
  2. Changed Menu.add(item) to Menu.append(item)
  3. Added new function Menu.pop()
  4. Added new function Menu.remove(item)
  5. Fixed format issue in README


Adding return variables to all functions.

  1. Majorly reformatted README.md
  2. Yoda.delete() now returns bool depending on whether the operation was successful or not.
  3. Yoda.__setPath() now returns bool if successful
  4. Yoda.write() returns bool
  5. Menu.setExecute() returns bool
  6. Menu.add() returns bool


  1. Major update to README.md
  2. In Yoda() changed name of function open() to __open()
  3. In Yoda() changed name of function setPath() to __setPath()
  4. In Menu() added new function setExecute()


  1. Added full support to store items other than functions
  2. In Menu() added support to add new items after menu creation using Menu.add()
  3. In Menu() moved code to add items to Menu.add()


  1. Added support to create empty Yoda Yoda("empty.json") will create a JSON with {}
  2. Fixed issue where even in empty Yoda files, it will ask for the details


  1. Added support for string only menus
  2. Changed Menu.show() to Menu.select()
  3. Fixed issue where camelCaseSplit() wouldn't detect words with a length of 2
  4. Fixed issue whereupon creating Yoda, it won't ask for details until contents() is called
  5. Fixed issue in Yoda where if the path doesn't exist, Yoda will crash