
shooting game made in rust using rusty_engine

Primary LanguageRust

Car Shoot Game

Car Shoot Game is a simple carnival booth game where players use a marble gun to shoot down cars floating across the screen. The objective is to shoot as many cars as possible before the time runs out. The game supports both single-player and two-player modes.

Game Screenshot

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up and run the Car Shoot Game on your local machine.


To run the game, you need to have the following software installed:

  • Rust programming language (version 1.54 or later)
  • Cargo package manager (usually bundled with Rust)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/veryshyjelly/Car-Shoot.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd car-shoot-game
  1. Build and run the game:
cargo run --release
  1. Enjoy the Car Shoot Game!


  • Control the gun barrel using your mouse. The gun barrel follows the horizontal movement of the mouse cursor.
  • Left-click to shoot marbles from the gun. The marbles will move upwards and collide with the cars.
  • Shoot as many cars as possible before the time runs out.
  • Each successfully hit car will earn you points.


  • Single-player and two-player modes
  • Interactive gun barrel controlled by mouse movement
  • Shooting marbles to hit cars
  • Collision detection between marbles and cars
  • Random car spawning with varying speeds
  • Sound effects and music to enhance the gaming experience


Contributions to the Car Shoot Game project are welcome! If you'd like to contribute new features, fix bugs, or improve existing code, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature/bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request to the main repository, explaining your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Car Shoot Game, please feel free to contact us at veryshyjelly@gmail.com.