
Singularity container for postgres alpine image from docker

Singularity Container

Singularity containter for postgres-alpine docker image (link). This singularity recipe modifies from the image to work in service mode. It also includes an optional /postgresrc to pass system environment variables.


  • To start the service, singularity instance.start -B host_folder:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres.img pg-database.
  • To pass variables for postgres database, use bind a file to /postgresrc.
    For example, -B yourrc:/postgresrc. Some common variables include PGPORT and HOSTNAME. (Due to some reason, the default postgres starts in For security reason, this recipe uses HOSTNAME which defaults to localhost.)
  • Use SINGULARITY_BINDPATH='host_folder:container_folder,host_file:container_file' for easier binding.

Building Manually

To build the image, run sudo singularity build <name.img> Singularity. See Singularity for more info.


The recipes build from many open source projects, including