
Angular 7 Custom Drag and drop

Primary LanguageTypeScript


drag-me is a custom drag and drop module for angular applications provideing features like

  • darg and drop any where in the dom
  • custom callbacks for each event
  • able to carry data in drag element
  • custom styling

How to use

  • add to project using npm i drag-me --save

  • Add import { DragMeModule } from 'drag-me'; in App Module

Then add it to imports

imports: [

And in html use like

Add dragMe Directive to the element to drag
<div dragMe [dragdata]="item" (ondrop)="onDrop($event)"></div>

NB:[dragdata] is the data to carry,(ondrop) is callback on drop

Add dropHere Directive to the Container to Drop
<div  dropHere (dropped)='onDrop($event)'></div>

NB:(dropped) is callback on drop

Adding style

  1. On Dragging drag-src class is added to the dragging element and we can customize our own style
  2. over class is added to the target element when drag over the item

Working Sample grab-landing-page