- 3
下载nebula-console版本再连接nebula后,出现 i/o timeout
#115 opened by jiangpeng12345 - 0
failed to open connection, error: failed to open transport, error: dial tcp connect: connection refused during docker-compose up
#160 opened by ice1x - 0
- 2
- 3
remove go panic information in nebula-console
#110 opened by awsl-dbq - 0
- 2
- 2
- 2
#141 opened by fxb392 - 2
Runing Nebula Graphdb on docker error Failed to read the directory "/data/meta/nebula" No such file or directory
#150 opened by Jayuda - 1
- 0
Enable log forward to stderr/stdout
#146 opened by wey-gu - 4
Can we have a light version of docker-compose?
#144 opened by artemkorsakov - 1
- 3
do we actually need `cap_add`, if yes, we could document on why and if not, remove it.
#135 opened by may11544 - 1
- 1
nebula-conosle container failure in ARM docker env
#134 opened by wey-gu - 0
swarm need to be verified in nebulagraph v3
#130 opened by wey-gu - 5
Console exists right away - conn issue
#126 opened by imrefazekas - 1
run commond ”docker-compose up -d“ fail
#117 opened by jiaxian-lin - 0
Compatible with nerdctl
#101 opened by wey-gu - 2
docker-compose up -d
#100 opened by zizihaier - 2
#46 opened by amber-moe - 1
centos7 docker-compose up报错
#40 opened by heshuguo - 1
On macos, metad has no leader
#34 opened by Shinji-IkariG - 2
ERROR docker-compose up -d
#25 opened by gocuntian - 0
- 1
create v3.0.2 branch
#118 opened by wey-gu - 2
- 1
- 8
- 2
docker-compose up -d timeout
#103 opened by CharleyXu - 2
Website of this repo was linked to 1.0 nebula repo
#92 opened by wey-gu - 2
ram watermark bug not included in nightly build?
#93 opened by wey-gu - 0
add ansible
#90 opened by cooper-lzy - 0
- 0
provide doc with both start/stop and up/down(-v)
#27 opened by whitewum - 2
ERROR: unknown command line flag 'local_ip'
#78 opened by codlin - 2
- 0
3699 occupied
#61 opened by amber-moe - 2
update listening ports
#60 opened by oldLady344 - 3
#59 opened by martixZero - 1
#83 opened by nereus-east - 1
unauthorized: incorrect username or password
#82 opened by caalvinz - 5
[ERROR (-8)]: Wrong vertex id type: 101
#76 opened by xupengjun - 1
- 2
`docker run` command throws error
#32 opened by back-to-eat - 1
Same query returns different results
#33 opened by back-to-eat - 1
English suggestion
#36 opened by amber-moe