- 0
docs regarding recent spark utils update(new features)
#2671 opened by wey-gu - 3
Video in the document not play automatically
#2628 opened by bazingame - 3
#3072 opened by papandadj - 1
#3022 opened by Liuxue-Yang - 1
#3071 opened by zh19990906 - 1
operator 1.7.0 docs
#3043 opened by MegaByte875 - 0
ci: add zhlint
#3067 opened by wey-gu - 0
br-ent support tls
#3038 opened by kqzh - 2
native log rotation
#2974 opened by wey-gu - 0
add desc for logrotating audit logs
#3040 opened by abby-cyber - 0
- 3
importer(v4) add highlight/notes on delimiter
#2987 opened by wey-gu - 4
add `-s` parameter on the configuration docs
#2983 opened by abby-cyber - 0
Dashboard status check command outdated
#3020 opened by ChrisChen2023 - 0
remove parameters from dynamic flags
#3016 opened by abby-cyber - 0
docs about load balancing for graphd
#2699 opened by wey-gu - 1
文档是不是可以考虑取消给不同版本配色?统一使用 NebulaGraph 主题色。
#2620 opened by xtcyclist - 0
#2621 opened by xtcyclist - 0
expose the scala client newly created
#2999 opened by wey-gu - 1
- 0
version explanation on importer
#2970 opened by wey-gu - 1
compile nebulagraph add a docker guideline
#2939 opened by MegaByte875 - 1
Doc version 3.4.2 is missing in the version list
#2950 opened by abby-cyber - 1
#2948 opened by Tinatingting - 1
add "read further" in some chapters i.e. GO Queries
#2786 opened by wey-gu - 1
Consider refactor FAQ doc
#2817 opened by wey-gu - 0
add how to view backup files in operator files
#2895 opened by abby-cyber - 0
Put ports in arch docs, refer in FAQ
#2732 opened by wey-gu - 2
- 1
[Exchange] 样例中的hadoop前提条件不应该是必须的
#2914 opened by xiajingchun - 0
add a new ent-branch based on 3.5.0 for snapchat
#2883 opened by abby-cyber - 2
#2892 opened by shanlai - 1
- 1
#2893 opened by shanlai - 0
- 1
Expose nebula-http-gateway in clients for docs
#2838 opened by wey-gu - 1
Fulltext search limitation revisit
#2834 opened by wey-gu - 0
Exchange SST mode doesn't apply to Kafka and other streaming data sources
#2831 opened by xiajingchun - 0
DBaas phase1 design draft text content.
#2830 opened by yyh0808 - 0
Better specify where to run the `add hosts` command
#2822 opened by abby-cyber - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
“NebulaGraph 资源需求” 这一节需要澄清一些信息
#2762 opened by xtcyclist - 1
INSERT EDGE 文档中关于“原子性”的部分需要改进一下表述。
#2647 opened by xtcyclist - 1
INSERT EDGE 语句的文档没有写 rank 的类型限制
#2650 opened by xtcyclist - 1
Unsupported nGQL grammar in Exchange doc
#2636 opened by xiajingchun - 0
#2639 opened by cooper-lzy - 3
图计算 nebula-analytics内容里缺少免密提示
#2625 opened by henry202108 - 7
3.4升级或者release note哪里最好提下全文索引在升级之后需要rebuild
#2559 opened by critical27