- 1
Search is not correctly working for words containing non-common charaters like Turkish "İ"
#33003 opened by akolhun - 1
ONNX Runtime TensorRT
#32999 opened by BohdanBilonoh - 0
503 Service Unavailable from container
#32992 opened by thanhtung2693 - 4
Bm25 (and other lexical features) on missing/unspecified fields returns `0.0`, when it should return `null`
#32905 opened by Plenitude-ai - 0
validation-overrides.xml with an allow tag that has an `until` value of greater than 30 days fails to deploy without an error message
#32921 opened by jackh-ncl - 1
- 1
Windows: Vespa yql - query curl conversion error
#32514 opened by John42506176Linux - 1
setNumTargetHits sets hits but not targetHits - is this a bug?
#32739 opened by drei34 - 12
Content node taking too long to come back up after restart
#32396 opened by shubh9194 - 3
ColPali `colbert-embedder`
#32389 opened by rawsh-rubrik - 3
What about using LSP4IJ ?
#32583 opened by angelozerr - 1
Full visit without any selection criteria is dropping handful of documents with discrepancy in documentCount
#32645 opened by nehajatav - 2
- 1
Error validating schema when populating a field from a struct using get_field
#32685 opened by danitico - 2
- 4
Partitioning parent-child documents by parent id to avoid full replication of parent documents
#32608 opened by vslaykovsky - 2
Late Chunking (
#32618 opened by oskrim - 7
- 5
Content Node Always Down
#32432 opened by aryamanvinchhi - 2
Feed Performance Bottleneck Issue
#32495 opened by asutoshprasad - 1
- 1
Dynamic increase of disk space is not detected
#32596 opened by PeterLombaers - 3
[Slack] Vespa Bot puts backticks twice for inline code
#32552 opened by radu-gheorghe - 8
Container crash after startup with exitcode=6 when using vespa-sentinel-cmd on on-prem Podman setup
#32466 opened by asutoshprasad - 4
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during feeding of large JSON Files containing multiple documents
#32475 opened by asutoshprasad - 3
An exception in the renderer when adding a single document summary to the result twice
#32478 opened by ddashenkov - 16
From sources clause not working as expected in yql
#32353 opened by adityaverma21 - 2
Search response returns incorrect number of documents
#32424 opened by akolhun - 3
- 4
[bug] Ensure CI does not submit a new package version to homebrew without a Github Release
#32365 opened by chenrui333 - 4
- 0
synonyms in ruleset not working as expected
#32339 opened by akash-iconnect - 4
Words with accent leading to issues in search
#32374 opened by adityaverma21 - 2
- 4
- 3
Feeding does not respect resource limits, crashes node
#32288 opened by buinauskas - 1
Vespa on Ubuntu 20.03 without Docker
#32275 opened by maximedb - 2
- 2
[Slack] Vespa Bot should be available in DMs (e.g. when I talk to myself)
#32137 opened by radu-gheorghe - 7
Segementfault in BitVectorCache::computeCountVector()
#32092 opened by LewisDong6522 - 5
Slow convergence of nodes due to download of file references sometimes taking a long time
#32153 opened by hmusum - 4
Grouping with order on struct key doom query
#32014 opened by bratseth - 2
`vespa prod deploy` requires named `clients.pem` file
#31978 opened by olaughter - 1
Support uploading binary files in deploy API
#32016 opened by hmusum - 0
Expose number of threads per search in metrics
#31935 opened by dainiusjocas - 0
Negation inside sameElement operator
#31939 opened by PeterLombaers - 0
universal tensor dot product
#31968 opened by jobergum - 0
- 0
Support slice_id in pyvespa visiting
#32063 opened by kkraune - 2
tensor<bfloat16>(t{}, x[1024]) query VespaError tensor query(q_colbert) must have exactly 1, indexed dimension, but was: tensor<bfloat16>(qt{},x[1024])
#31848 opened by jiangsiYang