
Project assignment in Graph Theory

Primary LanguagePython


This is a project assignment for the Graph Theory course holds by A. Rossi at University Paris-Dauphine.


  • Prerequisites
  • Usage
  • Files format
  • Architecture


Python 3.x

No package has to be installed.


Two features has been implemented :

  • Extracting a bipartite subgraph from a graph in a file.dat file.
  • Checking whether a given integer sequence is graphic or not.

Download the project and, on command line, go inside the project folder. You should be at the same level than the project.py file.

If you want to use it via Python interpreter, have a look at the demo.py file.

Extract a bipartite subgraph

This feature illustrates the following theorem : given a loopless graph G, then G has a bipartite subgraph with at least e(G)/2 edges. The algorithm creates two groups X and Y of vertices from G and sends, at each iteration, the best vertex from one of the group to the other one to increase the number of edges linking X and Y until the bound is reached.

Extract a bipartite subgraph from a graph in a file, run :

python project.py -b inputfile.dat,outputfile.dat 


python project.py -b inputfile.dat,outputfile.dat -v

In a Python file :

from graphit.induced_bipartite_subgraph import export2tex_bipartite_subgraph
pathname = './claw.dat'
export2tex_bipartite_subgraph(pathname, dest_name='./out.tex', verbose=True)

It writes a new file under the given output filename containg Latex code to draw the graph.

Graphic sequence

We can check if a given sequence of integers is a graphic sequence (ie each integer represents a unique vertex degree in some graph) by taking the maximum a of the sequence and subtract 1 to the a highest integer of the sequence without a. Iterating like so will lead us to a sequence of 0 if it is graphic or with negative integers if it is not.

Check if an integer sequence in a file is a graphic sequence, run :

python project.py -g myfile.dat


python project.py -g myfile.dat -v

Check if an integer sequence is a graphic sequence (no file), run :

python project.py -s 2,1,1,0


python project.py -s 2,1,1,0 -v

Note the your sequence must NOT contains spaces around commas.

In a Python file :

from graphit.graphic_sequence import print_is_graphic_sequence
pathname = './sequence.txt'
print_is_graphic_sequence(pathname, verbose=True)

# Equivalently
print_is_graphic_sequence([8, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1], verbose=True)

It only displays a message telling whether the sequence is graphic or not, like :

The sequence is graphic.

For help, run :

python project.py -h

Files format

Examples are in resources folder containing several examples including Peterson graph, bipartite graphs...

To extract bipartite subgraph, the file format is the same as described in the project's instructions.

For graphic sequences, each file contains one integer at each lines without commas nor any other characters. If the sequence to check is 8, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, the file must look like :



The graphit package contains everything. The project is divided into 3 files.

graphcore.py contains all objects relative to graphs. Objects defined are :

  • Graph: contains a list of edges and vertices. It is undirected.
  • Edge: contains two vertices. It is undirected.
  • Vertex: contains an identity, position (x, y) and its neighbors if any.

induced_bipartite_suubgraph.py contains functions to extract a bipartite subgraph from a given graph. The main function to call is def export2tex_bipartite_subgraph(pathname, dest_name='./out.tex', verbose=False) which write a .tex file containing the initial graph and the bipartite subgraph in red.

graphic_sequence.py contains functions check whether a sequence of integers is graphic or not. The main function is print_is_graphic_sequence(sequence_or_file, verbose=False) which displays a message on command line telling if the sequence is graphic or not.


  • Johana Abizmil - link
  • Yves Tran - link