⚶ Vesta Extended Relationships (Webtrees 2 Custom Module)
Pinned issues
- 5
Danish translation
#130 opened by jacoline - 2
Relationship Description Language
#129 opened by RAMINCNZ - 3
php 8.3 , surnames with patriarchs
#124 opened by arbor95 - 1
Individuals with Patriarchs sub-list broken
#126 opened by ric2016 - 9
Access level for charts
#119 opened by SnarfW - 5
- 1
Individuals with Patriarchs list: Cleanup
#121 opened by ric2016 - 4
Privacy setting & List Individuals with Patriarchs
#120 opened by SnarfW - 1
Default values for generations in pedigree charts
#111 opened by Jefferson49 - 4
- 4
- 7
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 6
Individuals with Patriarchs: marriage name
#104 opened by arbor95 - 3
result of selection: Individuals with Patriarchs
#102 opened by arbor95 - 1
- 1
Error - Individuals with Patriarchs
#101 opened by jpretired - 3
Error found in Logfile
#99 opened by hartenthaler - 1
Fix relationship name
#98 opened by ric2016 - 1
Relationships and common ancestors
#93 opened by ghezibde - 25
Relationship between connected members
#90 opened by ghezibde - 10
Patriarchs list
#91 opened by ghezibde - 5
500 Error (2.1.13)
#87 opened by HRN65 - 2
Relationships - 'Individual 2' not automatically set to default individual
#86 opened by TheDutchJewel - 3
- 11
Very slow rendering (+4 seconds)
#82 opened by ronaaron - 1
- 1
Error on tab Facts and events
#69 opened by jpretired - 1
2.0.23 - Extended Relationship - Error message
#70 opened by webtrees-pesz - 1
Add dates to patriarchs
#62 opened by ric2016 - 2
- 1
- 5
Relationship problem with marriage witnesses
#51 opened by JLL76 - 1
Vietnamese language file
#55 opened by ngohuuthuan - 1
Wrong relationship on own page
#46 opened by hartenthaler - 1
Inconsistent count of relationships when searching for relationsship between identical persons
#47 opened by hartenthaler - 1
Better handling of linkage type and status
#1 opened by ric2016 - 16
Language-specific relationship names
#36 opened by ric2016 - 3
Wrong identification of relationship
#7 opened by hartenthaler - 4
Error in webtrees 2.0.12
#32 opened by HRN65 - 3
List Individuals with Patriarchs ?
#23 opened by mpwt - 4
Error message with release
#21 opened by mpwt - 4
modules do not show up
#13 opened by bmarwell - 0
Sticky: Webtrees dev build issues
#6 opened by ric2016 - 1
Relationships in Charts menu
#4 opened by HRN65 - 1
wife to ex-wife , Ehefrau wird zu Ex-Frau
#3 opened by Gunnar-GO - 1
Swap individuals
#2 opened by HRN65