
A dRuby based Wiki

Primary LanguageRuby


RWiki is Yet Another Wiki Clone.

== Useful links

* Official page: ((<URL:http://pub.cozmixng.org/~the-rwiki/rw-cgi.rb>))


* How to install (English):  rd/install.rd
* How to install (Japanese): rd/install%2Eja.rd

== Included liblaries

=== RTtool


RWiki includes a part of modified rubikitch's RTtool in lib/rt/.

== gettext message

=== Updating *.po

Execute the following script in top directory of RWiki.

  % po/gettext.rb

=== Updateing *.mo

Execute the following script in top directory of RWiki.

  % po/update_mo.rb

=== Updating *.po and *.mo

Execute the following script in top directory of RWiki.

  % po/update.rb

=== Adding new language message

(1) Add new language code to LANGS in po/config.rb.

    e.g.) new language is French.

      # _
      # before
      LANGS = %w(ja en)

      # after
      LANGS = %w(ja en fr)

(2) Update *.po.

      % po/gettext.rb

    It generates po/fr.po.

(3) Edit po/fr.po.

(4) Update *.mo.

      % po/update_mo.rb

    It generates po/fr.mo.