
Safe type flux architecture library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Type safe Flux without boilerplate


npm install velux

How to use


interface MyState {
  test: string
const state: MyState = {test: ''}
const reducer: IReducer<MyState> = {
  changeTest(state, payload: string) {
    return {
      test: payload
export const store = createStore<MyState, typeof reducer>({state, reducer})

For create store you must a have store object:

interface IStore<TState, TReducer extends IReducer<TState>> {
  state: TState
  reducer: TReducer

State is object extends from:

export interface IState {
  [key: string]: any

Reducer is object with functions:

export type IReducerFun<TState, TPayload = any> = (state: TState, payload: TPayload) => Promise<TState>

export interface IReducer<TState, TPayload = any> {
  [key:string]: IReducerFun<TState, TPayload>

getState, dispatch

createStore returns object:

    dispatch: Promise<void>,
    getState: (): typeof state => state

getState() returns a current state object;

dispatch(string): void update state

interface MyState {
  test: string
const state: MyState = {test: ''}
const reducer: IReducer<MyState> = {
  changeTest(state, payload: string) {
    return {
      test: payload
export const store = createStore<MyState, typeof reducer>({state, reducer})

store.getState().test // ''
await store.dispatch('changeTest', 'changed text')
store.getState().test // 'changed text'

subscribe, watchToAction, watchToState

createStore returns object:

  subscribe: (listener: ISubscribeStore) => destroyFunction,
  watchToAction: (actionName: string, listener: ISubscribeStore, momentTrigger: IMomentTriggerWatch = 'after') => destroyFunction,
  watchToState: (stateKey: string, listener: ISubscribeStore, momentTrigger: IMomentTriggerWatch = 'after') => destroyFunction

export type ISubscribeStore = (currentState?: any, prevState?: any) => void
export type IMomentTriggerWatch = 'before' | 'after'


Subscribe call argument function after any changes in store. Subscribe returns a destroyFunction for remove subscribing.

interface MyState {
  test: string
const state: MyState = {test: ''}
const reducer: IReducer<MyState> = {
  changeTest(state, payload: string) {
    return {
      test: payload
export const store = createStore<MyState, typeof reducer>({state, reducer})

const destroySubscribe = store.subscribe((newState, oldState) => {
  oldState // ''
  newState // 'changed text'

await store.dispatch('changeTest', 'changed text')

Subscribe functions is determinated and unique:

const destroySubscribe1 = store.subscribe((newState, oldState) => { 
  // some changes
const destroySubscribe2 = store.subscribe((newState, oldState) => { 
  // some changes
const destroySubscribe3 = store.subscribe((newState, oldState) => { 
  // some changes


WatchToAction call listener before or after dispatch action by actionName


WatchToState call listener after change state by stateKey