Project Snapshot: AI-Ready Project Capture Tool

Project Snapshot is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to capture the essence of your project for AI-assisted development. By providing a comprehensive snapshot of your project structure and contents, it enables AI language models to have full context, resulting in more accurate and helpful responses.


  • 🧠 AI-Ready: Captures project contents in a format optimized for AI/LLM consumption
  • 🎨 Modern CLI: Intuitive and visually appealing command-line interface
  • 📁 Smart Filtering: Honors .gitignore patterns and excludes common build artifacts
  • 🌳 Directory Tree: Generates a clear visual representation of your project structure
  • 📄 File Contents: Captures the contents of all relevant project files
  • 🔧 Configurable: Easily customizable output and project names
  • 💾 Persistent Configuration: Saves your preferences for future use
  • 🚀 Performance: Efficiently handles large projects with memory mapping for big files
  • 🔍 Detailed Logging: Comprehensive logging for troubleshooting and auditing


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd project-snapshot
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate   # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the script to generate the project snapshot:


Follow the intuitive prompts to:

  • Set or update the target directory
  • Choose an existing configuration or create a new one
  • Customize the project name and output filename
  • Choose whether to include the project content in the AI prompt

The tool will guide you through the process and provide a summary of the operation upon completion.

Project Workflow

The following diagram illustrates the high-level workflow of the Project Snapshot tool:

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Load Configuration]
    B --> C{Configuration Exists?}
    C -->|Yes| D[Display Existing Configurations]
    C -->|No| E[Create New Configuration]
    D --> F[User Selects Action]
    E --> G[Save Configuration]
    F -->|Use Existing| H[Select Configuration]
    F -->|Edit| I[Edit Configuration]
    F -->|Delete| J[Delete Configuration]
    F -->|Create New| E
    I --> G
    J --> G
    H --> K[Capture Project Contents]
    G --> K
    K --> L[Generate Output File]
    L --> M[Display Summary]
    M --> N[End]

This workflow demonstrates the main steps of the tool, from loading the configuration to generating the final output file.

User Interaction Sequence

The following sequence diagram illustrates the interaction between the user and the Project Snapshot tool:

    participant User
    participant Tool as Project Snapshot Tool
    participant FileSystem as File System

    User->>Tool: Run
    Tool->>FileSystem: Load configuration
    FileSystem-->>Tool: Return configuration
    Tool->>User: Display current directory
    User->>Tool: Confirm or update directory
    Tool->>User: Display configuration options
    User->>Tool: Select action (Use/Edit/Delete/Create)
    alt Create New Configuration
        Tool->>User: Prompt for configuration details
        User->>Tool: Provide configuration details
        Tool->>FileSystem: Save new configuration
    else Edit Configuration
        Tool->>User: Display current configuration
        User->>Tool: Provide updated details
        Tool->>FileSystem: Save updated configuration
    else Delete Configuration
        Tool->>User: Confirm deletion
        User->>Tool: Confirm
        Tool->>FileSystem: Delete configuration
    Tool->>FileSystem: Scan project directory
    FileSystem-->>Tool: Return file list
    Tool->>Tool: Process files
    Tool->>FileSystem: Write output file
    Tool->>User: Display operation summary
    User->>Tool: Optionally copy output path
    Tool->>User: End program

This sequence diagram shows the back-and-forth interaction between the user, the tool, and the file system throughout the project snapshot process.


The generated snapshot will be saved in the output/ directory, organized by project name. Each snapshot file includes:

  • A directory tree of your project
  • Contents of all relevant files
  • Optional wrapping in an AI-ready prompt format


The tool uses a config.json file to store your preferences and project configurations. This file is created automatically when you run the tool for the first time and is updated as you make choices. You don't need to edit this file manually.


Detailed logs are saved in the project_snapshot.log file. Check this file for more information if you encounter any issues or want to review the tool's operation in detail.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


To run the unit tests, use the following command:

python -m unittest


This project is licensed under the MIT License.