
http://paste.debian.net/ XML-RPC client

Primary LanguagePerl


debpaste - http://paste.debian.net/ XML-RPC client




  • add

Usage: debpaste add [OPTIONS] [CODE]

Adds a new paste to http://paste.debian.net/. If no code is given on the command line, it will read from stdin.

Your paste infos are saved to ~/.debpaste.history

  • del

Usage: debpaste del [OPTIONS] ID

Deletes paste with id ID. This must be an ID which you have pasted before (and is in your history file)

  • get

Usage: debpaste get [OPTIONS] ID

Fetches the paste with id ID from http://paste.debian.net. To download a paste use something like

debpaste get --noheader ID > OUTFILE
  • lang

Usage: debpaste lang [OPTIONS]

Dumps the list of available languages for syntax highlighting, use the --lang=LANG option when __add__ing a paste.

  • edit

Usage: debpaste edit [OPTIONS] ID

Downloads the paste with id ID, spawns an editor, and sends the edited file as new paste.

  • expire

Usage: debpaste expire [OPTIONS] [ID]

Removes the entry ID from history file. If no ID is given it removes all entries which are expired.


  • --user=USERNAME

paste as USERNAME instead of anonymous

  • --server=URL

use URL instead of http://paste.debian.net/server.pl

  • --hidden

post as hidden entry

  • --noproxy

do not use the http proxy given in the environment variable http_proxy

  • --lang=LANG

use LANG for syntax highlight ('debpaste lang' for available languages)

  • --expires=SEC

expires in SEC seconds (default: 259200 = 72h)

  • --encoding=ENC

when adding new paste, use ENC as encoding of file, default: UTF-8

  • --noheader

when __get__ting entries, don't print header, just dump the paste to stdout.

  • --version

print version and exit


  • ~/.debpaste.rc

The right place for setting default options like the username or expire values. Format is KeyInAnYCase: value, example:

User: Vetinari
Expires: 86400
  • ~/.debpaste.history

All info about pastes done with debpaste are recorded here. This file is used to keep a record for __del__eting entries after pasting. Use debpaste expire to remove old entries.


Renamed to debpaste at svn Rev. 20


Hanno Hecker vetinari@ankh-morp.org