
Processing and converting of data files from BioLogic's EC-Lab.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This parser is no longer being maintained and will likely not work for you. Please use the eclab extractor built into yadg for a maintained and up to date version.

After installing yadg (pip install yadg) you can get a NetCDF file by invoking

yadg extract eclab.mpr <filename>

Alternatively, you can obtain a DataTree in Python via

import yadg
yadg.extractors.extract(filetype="eclab.mpr", path=<filename>)


This is a package to process and convert files from BioLogic's EC-Lab. The parsers build on Chris Kerr's galvani package and on the work of a previous civilian service member at Empa Lab 501, Jonas Krieger.


Use pip to install eclabfiles.

> pip install eclabfiles

Example Usage

process: Processing Into Dictionaries

Process the data as it is stored in the corresponding file. The method automatically determines filetype and tries to apply the respective parser.

For .mps settings files you can specify the keyword load_data to also load the data files from the same folder.

import eclabfiles as ecf
data, meta = ecf.process("./mpt_files/test_01_OCV.mpt")

The returned data structure may look a bit different depending on which filetype you read in.

See Filetypes and Processed Data Structure.

to_df: Processing Into Dataframe

Processes the file and converts it into a Pandas DataFrame. The pd.DataFrame.attrs will contain all the processed metadata.

import eclabfiles as ecf
df = ecf.to_df("./mpr_files/test_02_CP.mpr")

If the given file is an .mps, all data files from the same folder will be read into a pd.DataFrame with a hierarchical index. The top-level index is the technique number. The pd.DataFrame.attrs will contain .mps metadata, as well as all techniques and their loaded metadata.

to_csv: Converting to CSV

Process the file and write the data part into a .csv file at the specified location.

>>> import eclabfiles as ecf
>>> ecf.to_csv("./mpt_files/test_03_PEIS.mpt", csv_fn="./csv_files/test_PEIS.csv")

The csv_fn parameter is optional. If left away, the method writes a .csv file into the same folder as the input file.

to_excel: Converting to Excel

Process the file and write the data part into an Excel .xlsx file at the specified location.

>>> import eclabfiles as ecf
>>> ecf.to_excel("./experiment/test.mps")

The excel_fn parameter is optional. If left away, the method writes a .xlsx file at the location of the input file.

Filetypes and Processed Data Structure.

The file types that are implemented are:

Filetype Description
.mpr Raw data binary file, which also contains the current parameter settings
.mpt Text format file generated when the user exports the raw .mpr file in text format.
.mps Settings file, which contains all the parameters of the experiment.

Processed .mpr Files

data, meta = ecf.process("./test_01_OCV.mpr")

Any data returned by the process function for .mpr files is structured into record dictionaries:

[{column -> value}, ..., {column -> value}]

The meta processed from .mpr files looks like this:

    "settings": {  # (optional) Settings if present.
        "technique": str,  # Technique name.
        "comments": str,  # Cell characteristics.
        "active_material_mass": float,
        "at_x": float,
        "molecular_weight": float,
        "atomic_weight": float,
        "acquisition_start": float,
        "e_transferred": int,
        "electrode_material": str,
        "electrolyte": str,
        "electrode_area": float,
        "reference_electrode": str,
        "characteristic_mass": float,
        "battery_capacity": float,
        "battery_capacity_unit": int
    "params": [  # (optional) Technique parameter sequences.
        {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
        {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
    "units": {  # Units of the data columns.
        "time": "s",
        "mode": None,
    "log": {  # (optional) Log if present.
        "channel_number": int,
        "channel_sn": int,
        "Ewe_ctrl_min": float,
        "Ewe_ctrl_max": float,
        "ole_timestamp": float,
        "filename": str,
        "host": str,
        "address": str,
        "ec_lab_version": str,
        "server_version": str,
        "interpreter_version": str,
        "device_sn": str,
        "averaging_points": int,
        "posix_timestamp": float,

Processed .mpt Files

data, meta = ecf.process("./test_01_OCV.mpt")

Any data returned by the process function for .mpr files is structured into record dictionaries:

[{column -> value}, ..., {column -> value}]

The .mpt files generally contain a few more data columns than the corresponding binary .mpr files from what I have seen.

The meta processed from .mpt files looks like this:

    "raw": str,  # (optional) The raw file header if present.
    "settings": {  # (optional) Settings if the file has a header.
        "posix_timestamp": float,  # POSIX timestamp if present.
        "technique": str,  # Technique name.
    "params": [  # (optional) Technique parameter sequences.
        {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
        {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
    "units": {  # Units of the data columns.
        "time": "s",
        "mode": None,
    "loops": {  # (optional) Loops if present.
        "n_indexes": int,
        "indexes": list[int],

Processed .mps Files

techniques, meta = ecf.process("./test.mps")

.mps files simply relate different techniques together and store no data, while the other files contain the measurements.

For .mps settings files the process function returns the following the linked techniques instead of the data (each technique can contain data depending on load_data):

    "1": {
        "technique": str,  # Technique name.
        "params": [  # (optional) Technique parameter sequences.
            {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
            {"param1": float, "param2": str, ...},
        "data": list[dict]  # (optional) Data processed from data files.
        "meta": dict  # (optional) Metadata processed from data files.

The meta processed from .mpr only contains the raw file header.

    "raw": str


Detecting and processing the technique parameter sequences is not implemented for all techniques as this is pretty tedious to do. Currently, the following techniques are implemented:

Short Name Full Name
CA Chronoamperometry / Chronocoulometry
CP Chronopotentiometry
CV Cyclic Voltammetry
GCPL Galvanostatic Cycling with Potential Limitation
GEIS Galvano Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
LSV Linear Sweep Voltammetry
MB Modulo Bat
OCV Open Circuit Voltage
PEIS Potentio Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
ZIR IR compensation (PEIS)

Implementing further techniques

In the best case you should have an .mps, .mpr and .mpt files ready that contain the technique you would like to implement.

For the parsing of EC-Lab ASCII files (.mpt/.mps) you add a function with a list of parameter names in techniques.py in the order they appear in the text files. See _wait_params() to get an idea.

If the technique has a changing number of parameters in these ASCII files, e.g. it contains a modifiable number of 'Limits' or 'Records', you have to write a slightly more complicated function. Compare _peis_params().

Finally, add a case for the parsing function into technique_params().

If you want to implement the technique in the .mpr file parser, you will need to define a corresponding Numpy np.dtype in the techniques.py module. I would recommend getting a solid hex editor (e.g. Hexinator, Hex Editor Neo) to find the actual binary data type of each parameter.

From the .mpr files I have seen, you will usually find the parameter sequences at an offset of 0x1845 from the start of the data section in the VMP settings module or somewhere around there. Compare the parameter values in the binary data to the values in the corresponding ASCII files.

As a rule of thumb, floats are usually 32bit little-endian (<f4), integers are often 8bit (|u1) or 16bit (<u2) wide and units are stored in 8bit integers. I have not gotten around to linking the integer value with the corresponding unit yet.

If the technique has a changing number of parameters, make a list of Numpy dtypes. Compare _mb_params_dtypes to see how this looks.

Finally, add your np.dtype or list[np.dtype] to the technique_params_dtypes dictionary indexed by the technique ID. This ID is the first byte value after the VMP settings module's header.

Good luck!