
Password Generator - Generate a secure password by following the prompts

Primary LanguageCSS

PASSWORD GENERATOR Password Generator with Javascript

Installation Original source code downloaded from Gitlab: Monash Bootcamp/Trilogy Education repository: https://monash.bootcampcontent.com/monash-coding-bootcamp/monu-mel-fsf-pt-05-2020-u-c Source code edited in VS Code Source code functionality verified in Google Chrome Browser Repository created in Github Added edited code to folder, pushed to githhub repo Launched via Github hosting (github.io)

Screenshot of Project (Google Chrome): Screenshot Web URL: https://vetty88.github.io/HMWK3-PasswordGenerator/ Repo: https://github.com/vetty88/HMWK3-PasswordGenerator

Usage Homework Activity. Suitable for usage of simple web portfolio

Credits Code Author: Monash University/Trilogy Education: https://monash.bootcampcontent.com/monash-coding-bootcamp/monu-mel-fsf-pt-05-2020-u-c folder titled reference: "Unit 02 CSS Bootstrap Homework: Responsive Portfolio."

Resources utilised to edit the code:

Youtube sources:

License 2019 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.

Badges Made with love in Bairnsdale

Tests Tests recommended in Google Chrome - use VS Code live server. Inspect feature (Google) utilised to tidy CSS code.

© 2019 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.