TODO: Write script to do this. Documenting the process here from my new macbook
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Symlink .zshrc from dotfiles (oh-my-zsh creates a new one and backups your old)
- Install homebrew
- Install tmux & vim from homebrew
- Symlink tmux config
- Symlink nvim config
- Symlink nvim init as vimrc config (for fallback)
- Install iTerm and setup iTerm profile
- Symlink global gitignore
- Add FZF from homebrew
- Enable FZF shell extensions from /usr/local/opt/fzf/install
- Install AG from brew (for better FZF file ignore control)
- Install BAT from brew for syntax hilighting in FZF preview pane
- Install TMUX Resurrect plugin to ~/.config/tmux/tmux-resurrect (https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect)
- Install TMUX Continuum plugin to ~/.config/tmux/tmux-continuum (https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum)
- Install ASDF version manager
- Install necessary ASDF packages (node, erlang, elixir, etc)
document here
To get neovim configuration properly set up create a symlink from ~/.vim to ~/.config/nvim Verify .vimrc is also symlinked to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
when on OSX and using iTerm there is a bug with NeoVim and xterm256 terminfo sending wrong keycode on ctrl+h combination (navigation between split screen panes). to fix this issue one must symlink $TERM.ti -file to ~/.$TERM.ti and call it in .profile with 'tic .$TERM.ti' to get it loaded issue described here: neovim/neovim#2048 (comment)
MACOS General settings and stuff
- Turn off font smoothing from "System Preferences -> General"
Logitech Litra Glow lights on elgato stream deck
- Plug in streaming lights to USB ports
- Copy dotfiles/zsh/custom/aliases.zsh to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh
- build hidapitester from source to get the latest version and copy to /usr/local/bin to include binary automatically to path. More information in ZSH aliases file
- Now you can execute litra_ aliases from the command line
- Create MacOS Shortcut for terminal app and execute the relevant command: 5.1 example script: "source /Users/jarno/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh && litra_off"
- You can now include the MacOS shortcuts to Elgato stream deck and avoid installing Logitech GHub which is 120% dickballs