
Elixir Cloudinary library

Primary LanguageElixir


CircleCI Build Status Hex.pm Codeship Status for veverkap/cloudinex Coverage Status Inline docs Ebert


Cloudinex is an Elixir wrapper around the Cloudinary Image Upload API and Admin API. Most of the methods in the APIs have been implemented in this library.

Uploading Images

From URL

To upload an image url:

iex> Cloudinex.Uploader.upload_url("http://example.com/example.jpg")
  %{"bytes" => 228821,
    "created_at" => "2017-09-03T20:43:45Z",
    "etag" => "96703c568b938567551bf0e408ab2f2a",
    "format" => "jpg",
    "height" => 2048,
    "original_filename" => "02qqN5T",
    "public_id" => "i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag",
    "resource_type" => "image",
    "secure_url" => "https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/v1504471425/i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag.jpg",
    "signature" => "5f0475dfb785049d97f937071802ee88cc153ed0",
    "tags" => [],
    "type" => "upload",
    "url" => "http://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/v1504471425/i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag.jpg",
    "version" => 1504471425,
    "width" => 2048}}

From local file

iex> Cloudinex.Uploader.upload_file("./path/to/file.jpg")
  %{"bytes" => 228821,
    "created_at" => "2017-09-03T20:43:45Z",
    "etag" => "96703c568b938567551bf0e408ab2f2a",
    "format" => "jpg",
    "height" => 2048,
    "original_filename" => "02qqN5T",
    "public_id" => "i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag",
    "resource_type" => "image",
    "secure_url" => "https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/v1504471425/i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag.jpg",
    "signature" => "5f0475dfb785049d97f937071802ee88cc153ed0",
    "tags" => [],
    "type" => "upload",
    "url" => "http://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/v1504471425/i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag.jpg",
    "version" => 1504471425,
    "width" => 2048}}

Display Manipulated Images

  • A url to the image at its original dimensions and no transformations
iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id")
  • A url to the image adjusted to a specific width and height
iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300})
  • A url to the image using multiple transformation options and a signature
iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{crop: "fill", fetch_format: 'auto', flags: 'progressive', width: 300, height: 254, quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})
  • A url to a specific version of the image
iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{version: 1471959066})
  • A url to a specific version of the image adjusted to a specific width and height
iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300, version: 1471959066})


The package can be installed by adding cloudinex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:cloudinex, "~> 0.2.1"}]


Authentication is done using Basic Authentication over secure HTTP. Your Cloudinary API Key and API Secret are used for the authentication and can be found here. Configuration is handled via application variables (showing default values):

config :cloudinex,
        debug: false,
        base_url: "https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/",
        base_image_url: "https://res.cloudinary.com/",
        api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY", #no default
        secret: "YOUR_API_SECRET", #no default
        cloud_name: "YOUR_CLOUD_NAME", #no default