
adding node forever and upstart script

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#nodejs - forever - initd-forever

An Ansible role that installs nodejs and runs default or your application on Ubuntu 12.04 - 17.10

  • If you just want to test Node, this role got you covered, it comes with a simple Hello World app
  • NodeJS is added as service (using NPM packages) allowing you to service start|stop it

Node packages come from here; https://github.com/nodesource/distributions


git - https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-git

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values:

####Default Node.js bin path nodejs: add_node_modules_bin_to_path: false npm: {}

####Change when deploying to production node_env: 'development'

####Default root nodeapp_chdir: '/'

####Default Hello world app that comes with role, add your own apps here nodeapps:

  • { id: 'nodeapp', path: '/home/nodeapp/', app: 'server.js' }

####Required global packages to create and run base application feel free to add your own packages here nodeapp_npm:
