
Vevue is developing a future for protecting and monetizing the value of video experiences. Today’s video market, live or recorded, is distributed in multiple forms across various desktop and mobile platforms. Cross platform virality and rampant copyright infringement impose on the ability for content creators to retain control and benefit from their intellectual property.

The blockchain and smart contracts are new means to organize this chaotic market. Vevue DAPP is a decentralized copyright tracking and video exchange based on Blockchain. Users exchange incentive based Vevue Requests thru the mobile app to earn Vevue Token. Pin any amount of Vevue Token to any location and attach a short message. Receive video content in return.

Users can also use Vevue Token as utility token for decentralized video copyright exchange. Copyright information is stored on the Qtum blockchain. Content creators can retain or transfer their copyright using Vevue Copyright Wallet.

Official Website in English https://vevue.com




使用者可以通过Vevue在任何位置发起视频拍摄悬赏,可以是国内的某个景点,可以是国外某个向往已久的海滩 也可以是极地极光、海上日出日落或者是一段街头艺术,用你喜欢的方式去定义拍摄类型,或者航拍,或者延时摄影,只要你喜欢。 你的这些请求会被Vevue统统打包好发送到Vevue地图上并推送给符合条件的拍摄爱好者,完成任务即可领取奖赏。 一切都是那么简单,视觉旅游如果只有眼睛参与那太遗憾了,全身心的参与才叫体验。



中文版官网 https://cn.vevue.com

Buy Token 融资说明

English Entrance
