Vexchange Deployer

This repo contains all the scripts necessary to deploy the Vexchange smart contracts.

Adapted from Kenneth's deployment scripts

Install dependencies

npm install 

Configuration and private key

Set config in config.js, including all the necessary .json files to deploy, contract address of deployed contracts, RPC urls etc.

Place private key in .env file in the root directory under the variable

The .env file has been added to .gitignore to prevent committing and checking in by mistake.

Deploying contracts

Specify mainnet or testnet for each deployment.

Currently the following scripts are provided:

  • Deploy WVET:
npm run deployWVET testnet
  • Deploy VexchangeV2Factory and router on the testnet:
npm run deployFactory testnet
  • Deploy V2 Migrator on the mainnet:
npm run deployMigrator mainnet