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Vote.vexchange is an app where anyone can create Crowd Proposals on VEX governance. When a proposal gains 10 million delegate votes, it is converted to a formal VEX governance proposal that is voted on by the VEX community.

Run locally

Update environment variables after copying file:

# Copy env file
cp .env.sample .env.local

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run locally

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Engineering Notes

Governance actions

Currently, the list/set of governance actions users can do are defined in utils/constants.js. As time goes along and the DAO has to take on the responsibility to govern more scope, we have to expand these actions accordingly.

Argument types for smart contract calls

When forking from, the two supported types for calling smart contracts (via the timelock proxy) are address and uint256. At the time of writing, the functions we support only need these two types, so there is no need to support more types yet. However, in the future, to expand type support, we need to modify generateBytesByType in governance.js.

Transferring value for proposal actions

The current set of actions we support now do not require any value transfer (i.e. transferring VET). To support queuing, proposing, and executing such transaction in the future, we need to refactor:

  1. utils/constants.js to add an object into the values array for the value amount
  2. createProposal to accept an array of values instead of the ones filled with 0 now.
  3. create.js to render show field to take in user input for value amount

Note: the execute governance function is payable so any actions that require VET would have to be 'paid' when this function is called.