
aMule Torrent connector for Servarr

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Amarr - aMule *arr Connector

Docker Image Version (latest semver) GitHub Workflow Status (with event) semantic-release: angular

This connector allows using aMule as a download client for Sonarr and Radarr. It works by emulating a torrent client, so Sonarr and Radarr will manage your downloads as if they were torrents.

Makes use of jaMule to connect to aMule, which only supports aMule versions 2.3.1 to 2.3.3.

Amarr has been especially tested with the latest released version of Adunanza.


Amarr runs as a docker container. You can find it in Docker Hub.

It requires the following environment variables:

AMULE_HOST: aMule # The host where aMule is running, for docker containers it's usually the name of the container
AMULE_PORT: 4712 # The port where aMule is listening with the EC protocol
AMULE_PASSWORD: secret # The password to connect to aMule

Optional parameters:
AMULE_FINISHED_PATH: /finished # The directory where aMule will download the finished files
AMARR_LOG_LEVEL: INFO # The log level of amarr, defaults to INFO

It also requires mounting the following volumes:

/config # The directory where amarr will store its configuration, must be persistent

The container exposes the port 8080, which is the port where amarr will expose the Torznab server for Sonarr/Radarr.

Example docker-compose.yml

  image: vexdev/amarr:latest
  container_name: amarr
    - AMULE_HOST=aMule
    - AMULE_PORT=4712
    - AMULE_PASSWORD=secret
    - /path/to/amarr/config:/config
    - 8080:8080

Radarr/Sonarr configuration (2 easy steps)

1. Configure amarr as a download client

You will need to add the download client.

You can do that by adding a new download client of type qBittorrent with the following settings:

! Ensure you pressed the "Show advanced settings" button
Name: Any name you want
Host: amarr # The host where amarr is running, for docker containers it's usually the name of the container
Port: 8080 # The port where amarr is listening
Priority: 50 # This is the lowest possible priority, so Sonarr/Radarr will prefer other download clients

2. Configure amarr as a torrent indexer

Amarr provides multiple indexers with different capabilities. Each indexer implements the Torznab protocol, so it can be used as a torrent indexer for Sonarr/Radarr.

Add a new Torznab indexer with the following settings:

! Ensure you pressed the "Show advanced settings" button
Name: Any name you want
Url: http://amarr:8080/indexer/<indexer-type>
Download Client: The name you gave to amarr in the previous step

Note: You need to configure Sonarr/Radarr to prefer amarr as a download client for any indexers we created before.

Note: <indexer-type> is one of the indexers supported by amarr.

You will have to do this for every indexer you want to use with amarr.



This indexer will search for files in aMule through the kad/eD2k network.

It is very slow and not very reliable. Additionally, files on the kad/eD2k network are not well reviewed, so you may end up downloading fake files.

Does not require any additional configuration.

ddunlimitednet - BETA!!

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This indexer is still in beta. It may not work as expected. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

ddunlimited.net is very restrictive with the number of searches you can perform, so this indexer is subject to rate limits.

This indexer will search for files in ddunlimited.net.

Requires the following environment variables to be set:

DDUNLIMITEDNET_USERNAME: username # The username to connect to ddunlimited.net
DDUNLIMITEDNET_PASSWORD: password # The password to connect to ddunlimited.net