
一个 DNS 转发器 - OpenWRT

Primary LanguageLua


MosDNS is a plug-in DNS forwarder. Users can splicing plug-ins as needed to customize their own DNS processing logic.

How to build

  • Enter in your openwrt dir

  • Openwrt official SnapShots

    git clone https://github.com/sbwml/luci-app-mosdns package/mosdns
    git clone https://github.com/sbwml/v2ray-geodata package/geodata
    make menuconfig # choose LUCI -> Applications -> luci-app-mosdns
    make V=s

How to install prebuilt packages (OpenWrt 18 & 19 & 21 & 22 & master)

  • Login OpenWrt terminal (SSH)

  • Install curl package

    opkg update
    opkg install curl
  • Execute install script (Multi-architecture support)

    sh -c "$(curl -ksS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sbwml/luci-app-mosdns/master/install.sh)"