
Home management system with C# and Angular

Primary LanguageC#

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Getting Started

Step 1


Step 2

Click and download ApsisDemoScript.sql file and create the database via a sql studio.

Step 3

Open the project and customize Connection String field in appsetting.json.

Step 4

Admin e-mail and password : veysel@gmail.com - 12345

Guest e-mail and password : veysel2@gmail.com - 12345

Database Diagram


Project Layers

  • Businessfolder
    • Abstract
    • BusinessAspects
    • Concrete
    • Constans
    • DependencyResolvers
    • Mapper
    • ServiceRepository
    • ValidationRules
  • Core folder
    • Aspects
    • CrossCuttingConcerns
    • DependencyResolvers
    • EntityFramework
    • Extensions
    • MongoDbRepositories
    • Utilities
  • DataAccessfolder
    • Abstract
    • Concrete
  • Entity folder
    • Abstract
    • Concrete
    • DTOs
    • ApsisDemoWeb
  • ApsisDemo.Core_Test folder
    • EfRepositoryTest

Used Technologies tech

  • C#
  • Microsoft Sql Server
  • Mongo Db

Used Tools And Frameworks tools

  • Visual Studio 2019

  • Postman

  • Swagger

  • Entity Framework & EF.Sql - To use sql database

  • MongoDb Driver - To use MongoDb

  • Autofac - IOC container to manage lifecycle

  • AutoMapper - To map objects belonging to dissimilar types

  • Fluent Validation - Manages validation rules for our objects


Project Files

  • Componentsgithub
    • Apartment
    • Bill
    • BillPayment
    • Dues
    • DuesPayment
    • Admin-Dashboard
    • Home-page
    • User
    • User-Dashboard
    • Register
    • Login
    • Error-404
    • Message
  • Guards github
    • Admin Guard
    • Login Guard
  • Interceptorsgithub
    • Auth Interceptor
  • Layouts github
    • Admin-layout
    • Auth-layout
    • Main-layout
  • Models github
    • Apartment
    • Bill
    • BillPayment
    • CardDocument
    • Dues
    • DuesPayment
    • Login
    • Message
    • Register
    • ResponseModels
    • Token
    • User
  • Pipes github
    • Status YesNo pipe
  • Services github
    • Apartment
    • Auth
    • Bill
    • BillPayment
    • CardDocument
    • Dues
    • DuesPayment
    • LocalStorage
    • Message
    • User

Used Tools And Frameworks github

  • Bootstrap 5.0
  • Semantic UI
  • Ngx Toastr

Images And Descriptions


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On this page, the user logs into the system. When the "Giriş Yap"button is clicked, it is directed to the login screen.


If the logged in user has admin authority, he is directed to the admin dashboard.If not, it will be redirected to the user dashboard.

User login with admin authority

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User login with non authority

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If non-admin user tries to go to admin page they will receive a "You do not have permission" warning and the guard will be activated.

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Admin deletes users, updates and can go to detail screen.

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Admin assigns users to apartments.

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Admin assigns bill and dues to users
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Apartment details of users on site

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User Detail

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If the user goes to the home page after logging in, the welcome button is created.If he logs out, the login button will appear again.

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User can add and remove new cards.

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User can send message to admin
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Payment is made with the card of the logged in user

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The localStorage is cleared when the user logs out

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If the user types the wrong address in the search bar, he will get an error 404.

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