This project is a java
port of the @sercaneraslan's haller.js.
When speaking to someone, we have to add some extensions to the name. These extensions changes according to vowels, ending with non-vowel characters etc.
Provides turkish noun case conversions for using in forms, mailings.
for detail: Turkish Grammar
Case | Turkish Name | Ending | Example |
Definite Accusative | belirtme ("clarifying") durumu | -(y)i | evi |
Dative | yönelme ("going-towards") durumu | -(y)e | eve |
Locative | bulunma ("being-found") durumu | -de | evde |
Ablative | çıkma ("going-out") durumu | -den | evden |
Genitive | tamlayan ("compounding") eki | -(n)in | evin |
- Maven:
- Gradle:
- Sbt:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.veysiertekin" % "turkish-noun-cases" % __version__
(You can find app sources in the test cases)
Where did you buy your shoes?
package com.github.veysiertekin.turkish_noun_cases.sample;
import com.github.veysiertekin.turkish_noun_cases.TurkishNounCases;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesApp {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesApp.class);
private TurkishNounCases ablativeCase = TurkishNounCases.ABLATIVE_CASE;
public static void main(String[] args) {
WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesApp whereDidYouBuyYourShoes = new WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesApp();
public void startConversation() {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
// Where did you buy your shoes?"Ayakkabılarını nereden aldın?");
if (scanner.hasNext()) {
String storeName = scanner.nextLine();
// Where did you buy your shoes?"{} aldım.", ablativeCase.combineWithSuffix(storeName));
Expected behaviour:
package com.github.veysiertekin.turkish_noun_cases.sample;
import com.github.veysiertekin.turkish_noun_cases.lib.CaptureSystemOutput;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
class WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesAppTest {
private static InputStream sysInBackup;
static void backupSystemIn() {
sysInBackup =;
void conversationTest(CaptureSystemOutput.OutputCapture outputCapture) {
assertAblativeStoreNoun(outputCapture, "Amazon", "Amazon'dan");
assertAblativeStoreNoun(outputCapture, "Trendyol", "Trendyol'dan");
assertAblativeStoreNoun(outputCapture, "n11", "n11'den");
static void restoreSystemIn() {
private void assertAblativeStoreNoun(CaptureSystemOutput.OutputCapture outputCapture, String storeName, String storeNameNounCase) {
outputCapture.expect(containsString(storeNameNounCase + " aldım."));
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(storeName.getBytes());
WhereDidYouBuyYourShoesApp.main(new String[0]);
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