
Commandline tool to run Amazon Lambda function on local machines.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lambda-local lets you test Amazon Lambda functions on your local machine with sample event data.
The context of the Lambda function is already loaded so you do not have to worry about it.
You can pass any event JSON object as you please.


npm install -g lambda-local


# Usage
lambda-local -l index.js -h handler -e event-samples/s3-put.js 



  • -l, --lambdapath [lambda file name] Specify Lambda function file name.
  • -e, --eventpath [event data file name] Specify event data file name.
  • -h, --handler [lambda-function handler name (optional)] Lambda function handler name. Default is "handler".
  • -t, --timeout [timeout seconds (optional)] Seconds until lambda function timeout. Default is 3 seconds.

Event data

Event sample data are placed in event-samples folder - feel free to use the files in here, or create your own event data.
Event data are just JSON objects exported:

# Sample event data 
module.exports = {
	foo: "bar"


The context object has been directly extracted from the source visible when running an actual Lambda function on AWS. They may change the internals of this object, and Lambda-local does not guarantee that this will always be up-to-date with the actual context object.


Since the Amazon Lambda can load the AWS-SDK npm without installation, Lambda-local has also packaged AWS-SDK in its dependencies. If you want to use this, please manually add Lambda-local's path to NODE_PATH, as well as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY :

export NODE_PATH='/path/to/lambda-local/node_modules'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='yourKeyId'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='yourSecretKey'


This library is released under the MIT license.