
Smoothly create changelogs from commits

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Do you ever wanted a tool to standardize your git commits? Also to generate the changelog based on commits? Here is git-changelog. This is a NodeJS project but we provide standalone builds that enhances the git commit command. You can use git changelog as you use git commit with the same arguments, except -m.



  1. Go to releases
  2. Download the version that fits your system and extract the executable file where you can keep the executable forever
  3. Run the executable with -i option, example: ./git-changelog-linux-x64 -i
  4. Now you have the git changelog command

If you have a problem when executing the file on Linux/MacOS do a chmod +x git-changelog-YOUROS/ARCH before executing it.


When you run git changelog the command will look for a .gitchangelog file in the current directory of the execution. The default .gitchangelog if there's no file or attribute is explained bellow.

   "changelogFilename": "CHANGELOG.md",
   "changelogTemplate": "default",
   "commitTemplate": "karma",
   "types": {
      "feat": "new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script",
      "fix": "bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script",
      "docs": "changes to the documentation",
      "style": "formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change",
      "refactor": "refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable",
      "test": "adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change",
      "chore": "updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change"
   "scopes": [],
   "labels": [
   "beforeCommit": [],
   "afterCommit": []


The name of the changelog file.


The changelog template. All templates are executed with doT syntax and you have the following properties from the it var:

   "type": null, // string with type
   "scope": null, // string with scope
   "subject": null, // string with subject
   "body": null, // null or array with the changes as strings
   "labels": null // object with key-value labels

The default changelog template is placed at /templates/changelog path of this repo. You can specify a doT template in this attribute to customize the changelog entries.


The commit (git -m "[commitMessage]") template. This template follows the same approach of changelogTemplate except that are two available options instead of default:


A key-value object with allowed types. The default pairs comes from karma. The description is shown when the user type git changelog --help. Can also be a string with that points to a known preset, allowed values are:

  • karma
  • atom


An array with allowed scopes or leave it empty to allow user enter a custom scope.


An array with allowed labels to create custom markers for each commit. The user will input a value for each label.


An array with commands to execute before the commit and changelog update, if the command exits with a code different from 0 then the git changelog will exit with the same code.


An array with commands to execute after the commit and changelog update, if the command exits with a code different from 0 then the git changelog will exit with the same code.


The tests are built with mocha and chai, you can run with the following command:

npm run test