
Sample app generated from my spring boot archtype on :https://github.com/Romeh/spring-boot-quickstart-archtype

Primary LanguageJava

A spring boot sample app project


Sample app generated from my spring boot custome maven archetype : https://github.com/Romeh/spring-boot-quickstart-archtype

for more details about it , check my posts here :

Technical Stack

  • Java 1.8+
  • Maven 3.3+
  • Spring boot 1.5.6
  • Lombok abstraction
  • JPA with H2 for explanation
  • Swagger 2 API documentation
  • Spring retry and circuit breaker for external service call
  • REST API model validation
  • Spring cloud config for external configuration on GIT REPO
  • Cucumber and Spring Boot test for integration test
  • Jenkins Pipeline for multi branch project
  • Continuous delivery and integration standards with Sonar check and release management
  • Support retry in sanity checks


To run locally , you need to configure the run configuration by passing :

  • VM parameter: -DLOG_PATH=../log
  • Set SPRING profile to LOCAL

Test on the browser via SWAGGER



This software is licensed under the BSD License. For more information, read the file LICENSE.