
Ready to go Vagrant setup for Drupal 8.

Primary LanguageRuby

Drupal Vagrant

Drupal Vagrant is a ready to go and fully configured development environment built with VirtualBox, Vagrant, Linux and Chef Solo provisioner.

The main goal of the project is to provide easy to use, fully functional, highly customizable and extendable Linux based environment for Drupal development.

Getting Started

Drupal Vagrant uses Chef Solo provisioner. It means that your environment is built from the source code.

  1. Install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

  2. Install Vagrant http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/index.html

  3. run git clone https://github.com/vgardner/drupal8-vagrant.git

  4. To build your environment, in the root of the folder, run vagrant up

    Vagrant will start to build your environment. You'll see green status messages while Chef is configuring the system.

  5. Add your the box's IP to your hosts file drupal8.dev drupal7.dev

  6. To SSH into your Vagrant box, run vagrant ssh

  7. Download or clone your Drupal 8/7 project into /var/www/drupal8 (or /var/www/drupal8) For a fresh D8 or 7 installation you can run:

    cd /var/www/drupal8
    git clone --branch 8.0.x http://git.drupal.org/project/drupal.git .
    drush @drupal8 si standard -y
  • Now you have ready to use virtual development server. By default 2 sites are configured: Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. You can add new ones in config.json file anytime.

  • Adjust configuration (optional) You can edit config.json file to adjust your settings. If you use VDD first time it's recommended to leave config.json as is. Sample config.json is just fine. By default Drupal 8 and Drupal 7 sites are configured. You can validate your JSON file at http://jsonlint.com/

Connect To Mysql

MySQL Host:
Username: root
Password: root
Port: 3306 (default)

SSH Host:
Username: vagrant
Password: vagrant

Vagrant basic Usage

In the root directory you can find 'data' directory. This directory is visible (synchronized) to your virtual machine, so you can edit your project locally with your favorite editor. You can safely destroy your Vagrant box, this folder will not be altered.

Vagrant's basic commands (should be executed inside VDD directory):

  • $ vagrant ssh SSH into virtual machine.

  • $ vagrant up Start virtual machine.

  • $ vagrant halt Halt virtual machine.

  • $ vagrant destroy Destroy your virtual machine. Source code and content of data directory will remain unchangeable. VirtualBox machine instance will be destroyed only. You can build your machine again with 'vagrant up' command. The command is useful if you want to save disk space.

  • $ vagrant provision Configure virtual machine after source code change.

  • $ vagrant reload Reload virtual machine. Useful when you need to change network or synced folders settings.

Official Vagrant site has beautiful documentation. http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/

Cookbook inside chef/cookbooks/custom directory

  1. Take a look at vdd_example cookbook inside chef/cookbooks/custom directory.
  2. Create your own cookbook and place it inside chef/cookbooks/custom directory.
  3. Include your recipies in run_list in vdd.json role file inside chef/roles directory.

Remote cookbook using berkshelf

Berkshelf is great cookbook manager for Chef. It can automatically download cookbooks and their dependencies. Please, learn more at http://berkshelf.com/.

  1. Install berkshelf on your host machine.
  2. Include link to remote cookbooks' repository in Berksfile.
  3. Delete Berksfile.lock file and chef/cookbooks/berks directory.
  4. Run next command inside the root directory. It will download all dependencies. $ berks vendor chef/cookbooks/berks