
Evidence approximation methods in SSMs

Primary LanguagePython

Evidence approximation

Methods for evaluating marginal log-likelihood $p(y | \theta)$ in state space models (SSM). Currently only supports marginal log-likelihood evaluationw with Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC, i.e. particle filtering [1]).

A working example for the Linear Gaussian Dynamical System (LDS) model is provided, along with verification using exact marginal log-likelihood evaluation with Kalman filtering.


The code is written with minimal requirements, in the hope that the user can rewrite it in their preferred package. This also means that many steps could be made more efficient (for instance, using vmap from Jax for parallelization). The requirements are

numpy >= 1.24.3
tqdm >= 4.65.0

And the current code uses scipy >= 1.11.1 for the definition of the LDS example.


The bootstrap_filter method in samplers.py is for general purpose. It can be used for any model of the form

    z_t ~ p_t(z_t | z_{t-1}, input_t)         # Latents z_t
    y_t ~ p_t(y_t | z_t)                      # Emissions y_t

The user needs to specify two methods, with specifications:

latent_forward: function, (t, input, latents_prev) -> latents_next
    Function to sample next N latents p(z_t | z_{t-1}, input_t) from N previous latents.
        t: int, time step
        input: array, (input_dim,)
        latents_prev: array, (N, latent_dim)
        latents_next: array, (N, latent_dim)

emission_likelihood: function, (N, t, y, latent) -> likelihood
    Function to evaluate the emission likelihood p(y_t | z_t) for N latents.
        t: int, time step
        y: array, (output_dim,)
        latent: array, (N, latent_dim)
        likelihood: array, (N,)

and pass them to the bootstrap_filter method. See the test_bootstrap() function in samplers.py for an example use case in a LDS model.

[1] An Introduction to Sequential Monte Carlo. A. Doucet, N. de Freitas, N. Gordon.