
Repository provides SDK client for developers.

How to setup development environment:

Prerequisites: Install Software & Configure

  • Install python3.8 for script execution
  • Install pip3 for python package management
  • Build schnorr-musig-c for your platform and add to lib directory: /usr/lib/local/libmusig_c.dylib or /usr/lib/libmusig_c.dylib

How to build/test/run/debug project

Project provides integration with such tools as setuptool, paver, tox and gives you ability to do the same task in different ways.

Here is the list of most used commands:

# 1. Install project dependencies    
pip3 install -r requirements-all.txt

# 2. Run all test (you may use any command)
paver test_all                          # run test via paver (default way)
python3 test                   # run test via setuptool        
tox                                     # run test on a specified version of python (see tox.ini)

# 3. Installing package to pip3 manager
pip3 install .                          # installing package

Debugging application:

  1. Configure IDE python interpreter to python3.8.

  2. Configure IDE to use pytest as default test runner and set requirements-all.txt as dependency provider.


  3. Now you are ready to use native IDE support:

     Run -> Run ''
     Run -> Debug ''

How to use library (TODO)