

Primary LanguageLua

AstroNvimV4 Config

NOTE: This is the latest v4 configuration.

In the course of my daily tasks, I have optimized my workflow by integrating several powerful tools. My terminal of choice is WezTerm, which offers a blend of performance and features that cater to my needs. Alongside this, I employ tmux to efficiently manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window.

Additionally, I utilize yazi as my terminal-based file manager, which seamlessly fits into my terminal-centric workflow. It is also worth noting that my configuration is compatible with neovide, eliminating the necessity for additional setups.

This streamlined combination of tools significantly enhances my productivity and provides a robust terminal experience.

Support neovim version

neovim >= 0.10, recommend 0.10.1


now,this config supports development in TypeScript,Python,Go,Rust and markdown.

  • Typescript: vtsls work with volar2
  • Python: basedpyright
  • Go: gopher.nvim -- support go zero framework
  • Markdown: iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim,
  • Rust: mrcjkb/rustaceanvim

workflow screenshot

wezterm + tmux + astronvim








other components config

wezterm: https://github.com/chaozwn/wezterm

tmux: https://github.com/chaozwn/tmux

yazi: https://github.com/chaozwn/yazi

🛠️ Installation

The system should supports commands


Recommend install

brew install fzf
brew install fd
brew install luarocks
brew install lazygit
brew install ripgrep
npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
brew install gdu
brew install bottom
brew install protobuf
brew install gnu-sed
brew install mercurial
brew install ast-grep

pip install notebook nbclassic jupyter-console
pip install git+https://github.com/will8211/unimatrix.git
npm install -g neovim
pip install pynvim
pip install terminaltexteffects

brew tap daipeihust/tap
brew install im-select

brew install neovide
brew install lazydocker
pip install pylatexenc

brew tap laishulu/macism
brew install macism

npm i -g @styled/typescript-styled-plugin

Note: for rust development

rustup and mason's installation of rust-analzyer are different and may cause some bugs, manual installation is recommended.

rustup component add rust-analyzer

Make a backup of your current nvim and shared folder

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim.bak
mv ~/.cache/nvim ~/.cache/nvim.bak

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/chaozwn/astronvim_with_coc_or_mason ~/.config/nvim

Start Neovim






Use Lazygit



Install unimatrix


pip install git+https://github.com/will8211/unimatrix.git


Install TTE


pip install terminaltexteffects

Install Bottom


brew install bottom


Neovim requirements

npm install -g neovim
pip install pynvim

Markdown Image Paste

pip install pillow

Input Auto Switch

brew tap daipeihust/tap
brew install im-select

run im-select & copy result to im-select.lua

return {
  lazy = false,
  opts = {
    default_main_select = "com.sogou.inputmethod.sogou.pinyin", -- update your input method
    set_previous_events = { "InsertEnter", "FocusLost" },

Support for neovide

brew install neovide
neovide .

Support Lazydocker

tigger command: <leader>td

brew install lazydocker

Optional Input method

brew install --cask squirrel

General Mappings

Action Mappings
Leader key Space
Resize up Ctrl + Up
Resize Down Ctrl + Down
Resize Left Ctrl + Left
Resize Right Ctrl + Right
Up Window Ctrl + k
Down Window Ctrl + j
Left Window Ctrl + h
Right Window Ctrl + l
Force Write Ctrl + s
Force Quit Ctrl + q
New File Leader + n
Close Buffer Leader + c
Next Tab (real vim tab) ]t
Previous Tab (real vim tab) [t
Comment Leader + /
Horizontal Split \
Vertical Split |


vim.lsp.buf.hover() KK jump into signature help float window

Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window.

how to quickly set up a dap breakpoint

use <C-LeftClick> in line number