
🧩 IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs plugin highly inspired from the DevToys software: hash tools, various data converters and generators, escapers, set diff viewer...

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Stand With Ukraine

I Love DevToys

An Intellij IDEA (Community and Ultimate) free plugin which is highly inspired from the DevToys software available on Windows.
Find useful tools in a Tool Window in the top right corner of your IDE:

  • Base64 encoder/decoder
  • URL encoder/decoder
  • Fake Data generator (addresses, IBAN, Chuck Norris facts, Job titles, Pokemon names, Rick and Morty characters, The It Crowd quotes...)
  • Timestamp converter
  • Cron parser (Unix, Quartz, Spring 5.3+, Cron4j)
  • Set Diff viewer (compare two texts, ignoring lines ordering)
  • Lorem Ipsum generator
  • Hash generator (MD5, SHA1,256,384,512)
  • HMAC generator (MD5, SHA1,224,256,384,512)
  • UUID generator
  • JSON <> YAML converter
  • BENCODE <> JSON converter
  • ASCII <> HEX converter
  • CSV/HTML/Java/JS/JSON/XML (un)escaper
  • Password strength evaluator
  • Password hash validator
  • Etc...

The global idea is to provide these tools on Linux and macOS (Windows is also supported), because the original DevToys software is available on Windows only. Also, it is supposed to reduce context-switching.

Work in progress: I am trying to reproduce most of the DevToys features, but it will take some time. Also, contributions are welcome 😎.
If you want to support my work, you can consider buying an Extra Icons plugin license or make a donation. Thank you!


Download plugin from the JetBrains marketplace or via your IDE: File, Settings..., Plugins, Marketplace then select I Love DevToys.


See Makefile file.


  • improve the GUI
    • settings: remember last opened tool
  • add more tools, like Base64 from file, GZip encoder/decoder, JWT encoder/decoder, text tools, graphics tools...

Nota: I think we don't need to reproduce tools that exist in IntelliJ already, like the regex tester, diff viewer, conflict resolver, and markdown previewer.


MIT License. In other words, you can do what you want: this project is entirely OpenSource, Free and Gratis.

This project integrates original or modified components and files from:

  • Etienne Baudoux, MIT License -> created tool icons from original DevToys tools SVG icons, and the global idea of this plugin!
  • The Apache Software Foundation, Apache License -> using the Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Lang and Apache Commons Text libraries for handling Hash and CSV/HTML/Java/JS/JSON/XML Escaping functionalities
  • Miguel De Anda, MIT License -> using the Lorem library for generating Lorem Ipsum strings
  • FasterXML, LLC, Apache License -> using the Jackson core, databind and dataformat-yaml libraries for handling JSON/YAML conversion
  • SnakeYaml, Apache License -> using the SnakeYaml library for handling JSON/YAML conversion
  • Adam Peck, Apache License -> using the bencode library for handling BENCODE/JSON conversion
  • DataFaker.net, Apache License -> using the Data Faker library for generating fake data
  • cron-parser.com, Apache License -> using the Cron-utils library for parsing cron expressions
  • codearte.io, Apache License -> using a modified version of props2yaml library for handling Properties to YAML conversion (see modified sources in src/main/java/io.codearte.props2yaml)
  • Nulab Inc, MIT License -> using the zxcvbn4j library for handling password strength evaluation
  • Marc Wrobel, Apache License -> using the jbanking library for handling IBAN code generation

