
bash scripts to make life easier

Primary LanguageShell

Collection of bash script in my ~/cmd. Most of them are simple utility scripts or wrappers around existing programs. These scripts are not always safe or stable, so use them with precaution.


Simple IMAPS maild daemon, checks for unread email messages:

  • creates deskop notifications with xnotify (change $NOTIFIER to use another notification command, e.g. notify-send or xmessage)
  • maintains a status file for each account (this is then read by my statusd (to-be-published))
  • logs every new message


  • copy maild.conf.def to maild.conf
  • edit and add your accounts
  • start with maild start or run maild help for all options

requires: curl, sed, grep, any notification applet (see above).

Quickly initialize and edit code scripts in different languages.

requires: vim
