Purposize is a sequelize plugin to help with technically enforcing purpose limitation.
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) forces the "controller" to explicitly specify purposes for collecting, processing and storing personal data. This tool is designed to technically implement the concept of purpose limitation (GDPR Art. 5(1b)) and to help with provable compliance.
- Install purposize using
npm i purposize
- Extend sequelize instance using
- Define your own models
- Use
isPersonalData: true
to mark data fields as personal data - Sync your models to the DB using
- Load purposes specification from
file usingpurposize.loadPurposes(filePath)
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
const purposize = require('purposize')
const sequelize = new Sequelize(...)
const Customers = sequelize.define('customers', {
eMail: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
isPersonalData: true
postalAddress: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
isPersonalData: true
unfulfilledOrders: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER
await sequelize.sync()
await purposize.loadPurposes('./purposes.yml')
When creating instances that should contain personal data you must specify a purpose within the options
object using the purpose
key. The purpose may either be a string or an array of strings.
The personal data fields that you want to store must match with the relevant fields from your yaml
When specifying only non-personal attributes the purpose field can be omitted.
The returned instance only contains non-personal attributes
The reason is to prevent any data leaks. Furthermore, every access of personal data must be bound to one specific purpose!
const alice = await Customers.create({
eMail: "alice@email.com",
postalAddress: "1234 Shoppington",
}, {
purpose: 'ORDER'
// purpose: ['ORDER', 'NEWSLETTER']
// Keep in mind: only non-personal data is returned!
// alice.eMail and alice.postalAddress will be undefined
const bob = await Customers.create({
unfulfilledOrders: 2
// No purpose needed since unfulfilledOrders is a non-personal attribute
Querying works as usual with the exeception that you have to provide a purpose when wanting to retrieve personal data. When adding personal data fields to the attributes
array (SELECT
statement) or where
object (WHERE
statement) you must provide a purpose that legitimizes the access of those personal data fields. The purpose in queries is specified using the purpose
key and must be of type string
The returned result may contain instances that have been stored for exactly the specified purpose but also compatible purposes. Every instance only contains all non-personal attributes together with the legitimized personal attributes. All other personal attributes that are not legitimized by the specified purpose are stripped out and are not returned.
When no purpose is specified, the query result only contains non-personal data.
const result = await Customers.findAll({
attributes: [ ... ]
where: { ... },
purpose: 'NEWSLETTER'
// Result contains instances that have been stored for the purpose NEWSLETTER or other compatible purposes.
// Every instance contains all non-personal attributes (in this example: unfulfilledOrders) together with the legitimized personal data attributes (in this example: eMail).
When updating already existing attributes you can simply call the save
or update
method with no further options.
When wanting to add a new personal data field to an instance you must again specify a purpose that legitimizes the storage. It works the same as creating an instance. You need to set the purpose
key within the options
The returned instance only contains non-personal attributes
// Adding no personal data fields
const alice = await Customers.find({
where: {
eMail: "alice@email.com"
purpose: 'ORDER'
alice.eMail = "alison@mail.de"
alice.postalAddress = "9876 Cheapcity"
await alice.save()
// Adding new personal data fields
const bob = await Customers.find({
where: {
unfulfilledOrders: 2
bob.eMail = "bob@email.com"
await bob.save({
purpose: 'NEWSLETTER'
// Updating also works through the instance.update method
await bob.update({
eMail: "bobby@mail.de"
# purposes.yml
- eMail
loggingLevel: CHANGE
- name: ORDER
- eMail
- postalAddress
retentionPeriod: 60
loggingLevel: ACCESS
- postalAddress
- eMail
- postalAddress
loggingLevel: CHANGE
Key Name | Explanation |
purposes | List of all purposes |
name | Name of the purpose |
relevantFields | Specifies the data fields that are relevant to the specific purpose for each table. Make sure that the table name corresponds to your sequelize model name and the field names correspond to your column names (data fields in your model). |
retentionPeriod | Specifies the maximum storage duration for the data fields linked to this purpose. Storage duration must be a number and is treated as days. Default is -1 which means the data is stored infinitly. After the retention period has expired the personal data attributes will automatically be deleted! |
loggingLevel | Specifies which database interactions should be logged. Must be one of the following values: ACCESS , CHANGE or ALL . See logging level specification for more details. Default is NONE . |
compatibleWith | Specifies all the other purposes this specific purpose is compatible with. |
We have specified the following logging levels
Logging level | Explanation |
A log entry is only created whenever data is accessed for the specific purpose |
A log entry is created only when the specific purpose for a certain data item has been added or removed |
A log entry is created for every interaction connected to the specific purpose. |
No log entries are made for the specific purpose (Default) |
You can initialize purposize with some options.
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
const purposize = require('purposize')
const sequelize = new Sequelize(...)
purposize.init(sequelize, {
deletionCheckInterval: 1*60*60*1000
Available Options
Option | Explanation | Default |
deletionCheckInterval |
Determines how often purposize automatically checks for data instances whose retention period for a specific purpose has expired. As soon as purposize detects outdated storage purposes, the personal data attributes linked to the outdated purpose are deleted (if there is no other purpose that legitimizes the storage of the personal data attributes). Must be a number given in milliseconds and must be greater than 1 hour (3600000 ms). |
21600000 (6 hours) |
logging |
Determines if purposize creates log entries. Must be a boolean. | true |
logFunction |
Custom logging function that can be provided. Receives the log string as input. Must be a function. | console.log |
- sequelize.define
- sequelize.sync
- tableDAO.findAll
- instance.save
- instance.addPurpose
const carl = await Customer.create({
eMail: "carl@email.com",
unfulfilledOrders: 3,
}, {
purpose: 'NEWSLETTER'
await carl.addPurpose('ORDER')
- instance.removePurpose (Be careful: This method deletes unnecessary personal data fields that are not legitimized by any other purpose!)
const carl = await Customer.create({
eMail: "carl@email.com",
unfulfilledOrders: 3,
}, {
purpose: 'NEWSLETTER'
await carl.removePurpose('NEWSLETTER')
// This will delete the eMail attribute on carl if there is no other purpose that legitimizes the storage of carl's email