Home Automation Fun

Steps - Docker

  1. Flash rasbian os 32bit onto SD card
  2. modify /mnt/config.txt
  3. Add the following parameters to the bottom of the /boot/config.txt file. https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/controllers/
# Enable zwave.me and disable onboard bluetooth
  1. sudo -i
  2. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install git vim -y
  3. git clone https://github.com/vgrsec/rpihomeassistant.git

https://jugmac00.github.io/blog/how-to-run-a-dockerized-service-via-systemd/ https://www.hostwinds.com/tutorials/use-ngnix-to-proxy-docker-containers-on-ubuntu



  1. Flash haos_rpi4 onto SD card
  2. Install SD card into rpi 4
  3. Boot Rpi 4
  4. Create a user account and log into Home Assistant Web Interface http://haos.local:8123
  5. Enable Advanced Settings in User Profile http://haos.local:8123/profile
  6. Install, and Start SSH Module http://haos.local:8123/hassio/dashboard
  7. Generate ssh public key pair on laptop
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/haos_debug -b 2048 -q -N ""
  1. Create USB drive named CONFIG formatted FAT32 on laptop
  2. Copy public key to USB drive and rename the public key to authorized_keys on Laptop
  3. Move USB drive to Rpi 4
  4. Open SSH Web Terminal in Home Assistant Web Interface http://haos.local:8123/core_ssh/dashboard
  5. Run command ha os configure
  6. On Laptop run ssh -i ~/.ssh/haos_debug root@haos.local -p 22222
  7. Modify boot settings for Razberry Board
mount /dev/disk/by-label/hassos-boot /mnt/
cd /mnt/
vi config.txt
  1. Add the following parameters to the bottom of the /boot/config.txt file.
  1. Exit vi and unmount boot
cd ..
umount /mnt
  1. Restart using Home Assistant Web Interface http://haos.local:8123/config/hardware
  2. Log into Home Assistant on reboot http://haos.local:8123
  3. Once logged in, shut down using Home Assistant Web Interface http://haos.local:8123/config/hardware
  4. Install Razberry board
  5. Boot HAOS
  6. Install and start z-wave.js http://haos.local:8123/hassio/dashboard
  7. Add zwave integration

Adding Pictures

Make a www directory to host files on homeassistant

  • mkdir /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant/www/

Create a symlink between a media folder on your webserver and the default home assistant media upload folder

  • ln -sf /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant/www/media/ /mnt/data/supervisor/media

Now the photos you upload will be available



