
Elixir AntiGate.com API implementation

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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This project has been intended for fair use only. It's not allowed to use it for any destructive, anti-social and/or illegal activity.


Unofficial anti-captcha.com (antigate.com) API client for Elixir. The antigate service solves captchas by human workers.


  • ImageToTextTask : solve usual image captcha
  • NoCaptchaTask : Google Recaptcha puzzle solving
  • NoCaptchaTaskProxyless : Google Recaptcha puzzle solving without proxies
  • RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless : Google Recaptcha v.3
  • FunCaptchaTask - rotating captcha funcaptcha.com
  • FunCaptchaTaskProxyless - funcaptcha without proxy
  • SquareNetTextTask : select objects on image with an overlay grid


Add it to your dependencies:

# mix.exs
def deps do
  [{:ex_anti_gate, "~> 0.4"}]

end fetch it with mix deps.get.


The Antigate client has to be configured. At least api_key MUST be set, otherwise the client is shutting down with a notice. It's possible to set it in config file or via environment variable EX_ANTI_GATE_API_KEY. Note: in case of both (system and config) options exist at the same time the environment variable value will be used.

Since 0.4 version now settings split into common and task specific parts.

Default common options look like this:

    config :ex_anti_gate,
        autostart: true, # Start ExAntiGate process on application start
        http_client: HTTPoison, # http client - change for testing proposes only

        # ############################# task options #####################################

        api_key: nil,
        api_host: "https://api.anti-captcha.com",
        language_pool: "en",             # "en" (default) - english queue,
                                         # "rn" - Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Kazakh language group
        result_request_interval: 10_000, # result request first attemt interval, in milliseconds
        result_retry_interval: 2_000,     # delay between captcha status checks, in milliseconds
        no_slot_retry_interval: 5_000,   # delay between retries to catch a free slot to proceed captcha, in milliseconds
        no_slot_max_retries: 0,          # number of retries to catch a free slot,
                                         # 0 - until (max_timeout - result_request_inteval) milliseconds gone
        max_timeout: 120_000,            # captcha recognition maximum timeout;
                                         # the result value must be read during this period
        push: false    # do not reply to the sender by default (wait for a result request)

Default tasks options exists for ImageToTextTask only but you can set any options you need the same way:

    config :ex_anti_gate, ExAntiGate.Tasks.ImageToTextTask,
          phrase: false,                   # does captcha have one or more spaces
          case: false,                     # captcha is case sensetive
          numeric: 0,                      # 0 - any symbols
                                          # 1 - captcha has digits only
                                          # 2 - captcha has any symbols EXCEPT digits
          math: false,                     # captcha is a math equation and it's necessary to solve it and enter result
          min_length: 0,                   # 0 - has no limits
                                          # > 0 - an integer sets minimum captcha length
          max_length: 0, # 0 - has no limits
                        # > 0 - an integer sets maximum captcha length


It is possible to use it in standard and push mode.

In standard mode you send a task request with ExAntiGate.solve_captcha/2 function and then can request current result with ExAntiGate.get_task_result/1 or a full task stack with ExAntiGate.get_task/1. get_task_result/1 is preferable.

In push mode you should wait for two kind of tuples:

  • {:ex_anti_gate_result, {:ready, task_uuid :: String.t(), response :: any}} in case of successfull task or
  • {:ex_anti_gate_result, {:error, task_uuid :: String.t(), error_id :: integer, error_code :: String.t(), error_description :: String.t()}} - in case of any errors.

For example:

    defmodule MyCaptchaDispatcher do
      use GenServer

      # ...

      # Server API

      def handle_info({:ex_anti_gate_result, {:ready, task_uuid, %{"solution" => %{"text" => text}} = _response}}, state) do
        # deal with captcha text

      def handle_info({:ex_anti_gate_result, {:error, task_uuid, error_id, error_code, error_description}}, state) do
        # deal with error


Please beware that in push mode task data disappear right after message is sent without any kind of delivery check and in standard mode task data disappear after max_timeout amount of time.

Please check available task options in the Antigate tasks documentation


You can find most errors description in the Antigate documentation. A number of errors came from this client implementation and have negative codes:

error_id: -1, error_code: "ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR", error_description: will be taken from the error source

error_id: -2, error_code: "ERROR_API_TIMEOUT", error_description: "Maximum timeout reached, task interrupted."

error_id: -3, error_code: "ERROR_NO_SLOT_MAX_RETRIES", error_description: "Maximum attempts to catch free slot reached, task interrupted."