

First plug an application to Sqreen and enable the webhook notifications (create a free account on https://my.sqreen.io).

We want to create a Python/Flask application that listen for webhook notifications from Sqreen.

On receiving a notification the application should:

  1. Check that the signature is correct
  2. Redispatch the notification to multiple targets (e.g. log, email, HTTP, SMS, Slack).


  • Have a generic interface for target backends
  • Two target backends
  • Have relevant tests


  • The application that is receiving webhook can itself be Sqreened
  • Detected attacks are batched 5-minutely between a running agent and Sqreen own backend (the first one will fire directly, then they are aggregated).
  • One can easily generate a notification by calling: curl -A Arachni/v1.2.1 http://sqreened_application



  • You need to specify env. vars. in the .env file.
  • You can use ngrok to be able to expose the server to Sqreen.
  • The project uses Github CI instead of CircleCI or TravisCI (which I already know so I wanted to test Github CI).
  • A pre-release of black is used until its installation requirements are fixed.


poetry install


poetry run black --check .
poetry run pylint app.py sqreentest
poetry run mypy app.py sqreentest
env $(cat .env | xargs) poetry run pytest

Launch application:

FLASK_DEBUG=1 poetry run flask run

Implemented targets:

  • Logs
  • SMS (using Twillo):


  1. Currently if a webhook is not handled (bug in code, a target is unavailable, etc.) then it disappears as it is not stored in this application for retry (in a database for example). But I think in case of webhooks, it is the responsibility of the origin server to retry (possibly up to N times for example) until the destination returns a successful response (for example the infrastructure powering the destination server might be down). Did I miss something?

  2. In the application, sample webhook payload is a JSON object while curl command is a JSON array as well as the data sent:

Same issue with the webhook sent when clicking on "Save Webhook", it also misses some keys defined in the specification:

  1. Sqreen does not seem to expose typings, which cause mypy to fail with:
> poetry run mypy app.py sqreentest
app.py:2: error: Cannot find module named 'sqreen'
app.py:2: note: See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/running_mypy.html#missing-imports

Current workaround is to replace:

import sqreen


import sqreen  # type: ignore