This repository is a code that fine-tunes the text recognitino model of easy ocr, builds it, and uses it.
You can use it by opening easyocr_finetuning.ipynb in colab and running the cell.
Clone the github repository.
If the problem persists even after configuring the environment, click Restart Runtime and try again.
To use ai hub data, you only need to use 3-1.
If there is no ai hub data, use 3-2 to create the data.
- It uses AI hub OCR data to crop text and transforms the data into a learnable form.
If you do not use AI hub data, you can create your own data.
If you want to use the data, you can run the collaboratory cell and skip it if you don't want to.
Only ai hub data is used here.
(If you want to use the Korean data created in 3-2, combine the folders into one.)
Fine tuning proceeds when the cell of the collaboration is executed. You can check the learning log by looking at the saved_models folder. When learning is achieved, stop the cell and start the next cell.
Import and use the fine tuning model as a custom path.
Performance is measured based on how many cropped images are fitted.