
Modal select for Ionic Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Modal select for Ionic Framework based on $ionicModal

See all docs and examples on the project site.

We also have a simple Codepen demo.

animated example


In order to survive, this project needs:

Any help on this is greatly appreciated. Comment directly those issues or contact me directly at mauro.bianchi at inmagik.com if you are interested in helping with this.


  • supports long list of object via collection-repeat
  • optional search bar
  • supports unsetting the chosen value (optional)
  • customizable modal classes, modal header and footer classes
  • customizable buttons text


Get the files from github or install from bower:

bower install ionic-modal-select

Include ionic-modal-select.js or its minified version in your index.html:

<script src="lib/ionic-modal-select/dist/ionic-modal-select.js"></script>

Add the module ionic-modal-select to your application dependencies:

angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ionic-modal-select'])

And you're ready to go.



This directive will transform the element into a modal select: when clicking the element a select dialog will be open, with options presented in a clickable list. Once the user clicks on an option, it will be set on the bound model.

For this to work the following conditions must apply:

  • The element you use this directive must be clickable.
  • The directive requires ngModel to be set on the element
  • The directive expects an inner element of class "option" to define the options template

The final value bound to your model will be determined as follow:

  • if you set the attribute option-getter will be set as getterFunction(selectedItem)
  • if you set the attribute option-property will be set as selectedItem[propertyName]
  • otherwise it will be set as the full object


option meaning accepted values default
options List of options to choose from Array
options-expression The expression indicating how to enumerate a the options collection, of the format variable in expression – where variable is the user defined loop variable and expression is a scope expression giving the collection to enumerate. For example: `album in artist.albums or album in artist.albums orderBy:'name'`. expression
option-getter Optional method to get the value from the chosen item function not set
option-property Optional property name to get as model value from the chosen item string not set
modal-class The class for the modal (set on <ion-modal-view> string ''
selected-class The class applied to the currently selected option (if any) in the modal list string 'option-selected'
on-select Callback triggered on object select. Takes two arguments, newValue and oldValue with obvious meaning. function call with arguments newValue and oldValue not set
on-reset Callback triggered when value is resetted using the relevant ui interface. Takes no arguments. function call not set
modal-title The title shown on the modal header string 'Select an option'
header-footer-class The class for header and footer of the modal string 'bar-stable'
cancel-button Text of the button for closing the modal without changing the value string 'Cancel'
reset-button Text of the button for unsetting value in the modal dialog string 'Reset'
hide-reset Hides the button for unsetting value in the modal dialog string. Set to 'true' for hiding the button false
use-collection-repeat Forces use of collection-repeat or ng-repeat for rendering options in the modal. string "true", "false" not set (automatically set according to number of options and short-list-break attribute)
short-list-break The maximum number of item in list to be rendered with ng-repeat.(if use-collection-repeat is not set) If the list has a number of options greater than this attribute it will be rendered with ionic collection-repeat directive instead. (see also load-list-message option) integer 10
load-list-message Message to be shown when loading a long list of options in the modal string 'Loading'
has-search Whether to show a search bar to filter options. set to "true" for showing the search bar undefined
search-placeholder String placeholder in search bar. string 'Search'
sub-header-class Class to be applied to the subheader containing the search bar (makes sense only if has-search="true) string 'bar-stable'
cancel-search-button Text for the button for clearing search text (makes sense only if has-search="true) string 'Clear'
clear-search-on-select Tells the directive to not clear the search bar content after user selection. Set to false to prevent clearing the search text. boolean true
search-properties Array of properties for the search. For example: In your controller $scope.searchProperties = ['property1', 'property2']; and in template attributes search-properties="searchProperties" Array

Passing in options

The modal-select directive must be provided with a set of options to choose from

This can be done in two ways:

  • via the options attribute, that accepts an array of values or objects. The directive will watch for changes in this array and modify its options accordingly.
  • via the options-expression attribute, that accepts an expression similar to what you would use with ionic collection-repeat directive, of the format variable in expression – where variable is the user defined loop variable and expression is a scope expression giving the collection to enumerate. For example: album in artist.albums or album in artist.albums | orderBy:'name'. This allows you to apply ordering or filtering without acting on the original array.

Options templates

This directive expects to find a single inner element of class "option" that is used to define the template of the options that can be selected. Options will be rendered as items into a list in the modal (The content of each option, rendered with your template, is wrapped in an element of class 'item item-text wrap' and the original ".option" element is removed).

For example:

<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a number">
    Select it
    <div class="option">

Will be rendered in the modal as :

<div class="item item-text-wrap">

Search bar

From version 1.1.0 you can include a search bar into the modal for filtering options by simply adding the attribute has-search="true" to your modal-select element.

Filtering is implemented with the angular filter filter, which searches recursively in all properties of the objects passed in as options. This means that you cannot search on "computed properties" right now. For example if you are using a custom setter you will be only able to search the original properties of the options.

### Examples

Simplest one.

This example shows a modal for choosing a number between 1 and 5.

In your controller:

$scope.selectables = [1,2,3,4,5];

In your template:

<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a number">
    Select it
    <div class="option">

Including a search bar

To include a search bar in the previous example, just add has-search="true":

<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a number" has-search="true">
    Select it
    <div class="option">

Objects as options

In the following example we use some objects as options.

In your controller:

$scope.selectables = [
    { name: "Mauro", role : "navigator"},
    { name: "Silvia", role : "chef"},
    { name: "Merlino", role : "canaglia"}

We'll explore different possibilities we have with this options.

1. Setting the full object

If we do not set option-getter or option-property attributes, the model is assigned to the full option object when an option is selected.

<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a character">
    Select it
    <div class="option">
        {{option.name}} ({{option.role}})
2. Setting a property

If option-property attribute is set to a string, the bound model assigned that property of the option object when an option is selected. For example if we set option-getter="name", we get back the 'name' property of our options.

<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a character" option-property="name">
    Select it
    <div class="option">
        {{option.name}} ({{option.role}})
3. Custom setter

If a function call is passed via option-getter attribute, the bound model assignment is done by calling this function with the selected option as the only argument (named 'option'). For example if we do this in our controller:

$scope.getOption = function(option){
    return option.name + ":" + option.role;
<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a character" option-getter="getOption(option)">
    Select it
    <div class="option">
        {{option.name}} ({{option.role}})
4. Specify the properties for search

Specify in the array the properties' name for search $scope.search_properties = ['propertie_1', 'propertie_2', '...'];:

$scope.search_properties = ['name'];
<button class="button button-positive" modal-select ng-model="someModel" options="selectables" modal-title="Select a character" option-getter="getOption(option)" search-properties="search_properties">
    Select it
    <div class="option">
        {{option.name}} ({{option.role}})

We get back the phrase "Mauro:navigator", "Silvia:chef" or "Merlino:canaglia" if we click the previous defined options.

More examples on the project site.

Support this project

This software package is available for free with a MIT license, but if you find it useful and want support its development consider buying a copy on the Ionic Marketplace for just a few bucks.