Here you can find a simple way to generate your own Allure Report. This image is based on Alpine Linux developed by anapsix to keep the size down.
- 2.6.0 (latest)
- 2.5.0
- Create a Dockerfile with last version from Allure2
- Custom categories
- Trend history
- Translate to PT-BR #736
- Custom launchers
- Custom environments
- Docker
- Allure results file
docker run --rm -v allure-results:/allure-results -v allure-report:/allure-report -v allure-report-old/:/allure-history vhsantos26/allure-report:latest
By using Dockerfiles contained in this repo and/or container images derived from them, you are agreeing to any and all applicable license agreements & export rules related to unlimited strength crypto, etc..