
Primary LanguageObjective-C

Unity SDK integration

  • Download VoximplantSDK.unitypackage
  • Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package, import downloaded package
  • File -> Build Settings


Required Player Settings:

  • bundle identifier
  • minimum API level: 16


You are all set, however app behaviour when user refuse to grant permissions is undefined. Refer to [AVAudioSession sharedInstance].recordPermission and [AVCaptureDevice authorizationStatusForMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] to check current permissions and decide what to do.

Required Player Settings:

  • minimal supported SDK: 8.0
  • camera usage description
  • microphone usage description

Voximplant package structure

  • Plugins/Android — Android SDK with all dependencies, packaged as .aar archive
  • Plugins/iOS — iOS SDK with dependencies as dynamic libraries
  • Plugins/Editor/Voximplant — Unity build step for iOS setting up static and dynamic libraries integration
  • Scripts/Voximplant — Unity-land SDK code