
  • 环境

    • node.js ⇒ v14.17.5
    • yarn ⇒ v1.22.17
    • git ⇒ v2.33.
  • 准备部署私钥

  • 浏览器开源API KEY,在 https://optimistic.etherscan.io/ 注册账户,生成API KEY

  • 安装依赖

  • 复制 .env.example 文件为 .env

    • 填入部署私钥到PRIVATE_KEY字段
    • 填入浏览器API KEY 到FANTOMSCAN_API_KEY 字段(开源时使用)



  • fundingInterval → 60 * 60(1小时) // 借款手续费周期

  • fundingRateFactor → 100(0.01%) // 非稳定币借款费率因数(实际费率为 fundingRateFactor * reservedAmounts / poolAmount)

  • stableFundingRateFactor → 100(0.01%) // 稳定币借款费率因数(实际费率为 stableFundingRateFactor * reservedAmounts / poolAmount)

  • mintBurnFeeBasisPoints -> 25(0.25%) // Buy/Sell Usdg 费率基点

  • swapFeeBasisPoints -> 30(0.3%) // 非稳定币swap 费率基点

  • stableSwapFeeBasisPoints -> 1(0.01%) // 稳定币swap 费率基点

  • taxBasisPoints -> 50(0.5%) // 非稳定币swap或 Buy/Sell Usdg 费率浮动基点

  • stableTaxBasisPoints -> 5(0.05%) // 稳定币swap或 Buy/Sell Usdg 费率浮动基点

  • marginFeeBasisPoints -> 10(0.1%) // 开平仓费率基点

  • liquidationFeeUsd -> toUsd(5) // 清算费用

  • minProfitTime -> 3 * 60 * 60 // minProfitTime时间内平仓收益低于最低收益基数无收益

    // if the minProfitTime has passed then there will be no min profit threshold
    // the min profit threshold helps to prevent front-running issues
  • hasDynamicFees -> true // 是否开启swap或 Buy/Sell Usdg 费率浮动基点


  • minExecutionFee → 0.0003ETH // 开仓执行费用
  • minPurchaseTokenAmountUsd → 10USD // 最小开仓USD金额


  • priceDataInterval → 5 * 60 // 价格累计变动窗口时间间隔
  • spreadBasisPointsIfInactive → 50 (0.5%)
  • spreadBasisPointsIfChainError → 500(5%)
  • priceDuration -> 5 * 60, // 超过5分钟没有喂价,使用_refPrice(Chainlink价格) 加/减spreadBasisPointsIfInactive 部分
  • maxPriceUpdateDelay -> 60 * 60, // 超过1小时没有喂价,使用_refPrice(Chainlink价格) 加/减spreadBasisPointsIfChainError 部分
  • maxDeviationBasisPoints -> 750(7.5%), // FastPrice与ChainLink价格相差超过7.5%,取二者之一
  • minBlockInterval -> 0, // 更新价格的最小区块间隔
  • maxTimeDeviation → 60 * 60 (1小时) // 喂价提交时间戳与链上时间戳最大偏差
  • maxCumulativeDeltaDiffs

// under regular operation, the fastPrice (prices[token]) is returned and there is no spread returned from this function, // though VaultPriceFeed might apply its own spread // // if the fastPrice has not been updated within priceDuration then it is ignored and only _refPrice with a spread is used (spread: spreadBasisPointsIfInactive) // in case the fastPrice has not been updated for maxPriceUpdateDelay then the _refPrice with a larger spread is used (spread: spreadBasisPointsIfChainError) // // there will be a spread from the _refPrice to the fastPrice in the following cases: // - in case isSpreadEnabled is set to true // - in case the maxDeviationBasisPoints between _refPrice and fastPrice is exceeded // - in case watchers flag an issue // - in case the cumulativeFastDelta exceeds the cumulativeRefDelta by the maxCumulativeDeltaDiff

  • minAuthorizations → 1 // 处理需达到的最少人数
  • signer → 允许 disableFastPrice 和 enableFastPrice,disableFastPriceVoteCount 达到minAuthorizations价格从FastPrice与ChainLink取,否则使用FastPrice
  • updater、keeper → 允许喂价以及喂价并执行开/平仓请求


  • depositFee = 30 // 0.3%,添加保证金收费比例
  • orderKeeper // 限价订单执行者
  • liquidator // 清算执行者


  • depositFee → 30 (0.3%) // 开多杠杆降低时收取费用
  • minExecutionFee → 0.0001 ETH // 最小开仓执行费用
  • minBlockDelayKeeper → 1 // Keeper执行需要等待的最小区块间隔
  • minTimeDelayPublic → 180 // 公开执行需要等待的最小时间间隔
  • maxTimeDelay → 30 * 60(30分钟) // 开仓请求过期时间间隔

ALP Manager

  • cooldownDuration → 15 * 60 // 流动性冷冻期,到达之后才可移除流动性


  • minAuthorizations: 1 // 执行需要达到的最小通过人数


  • buffer: 24 * 60 * 60 // 发起与执行时间间隔
  • maxTokenSupply: 0 // mint方法可mint代币至最大totoalSupply
  • maxMarginFeeBasisPoints // 最大开平仓费用基点


  • buffer: 24 * 60 * 60 // 发起执行时间间隔



"btc": {
    "name": "btc",
    "address": "0x830d3f083e51d4475353Eea3e725CfA993C030b8",  // 代币地址
    "decimals": 18, // 代币精度
    "priceFeed": "0x65E8d79f3e8e36fE48eC31A2ae935e92F5bBF529",  //Chainlink预言机地址
    "priceDecimals": 8, // Chainlink价格精度
    "fastPricePrecision": 1000, // 价格乘数,1000表示可支持最大3位小数价格
    "maxCumulativeDeltaDiff": 1000000, // 价格最大累计变动
    "isStrictStable": false, // 是否严格稳定
    "tokenWeight": 20000, // 再平衡比例
    "minProfitBps": 0, // 最低利润基点 
    "maxUsdgAmount": 65000000, // 最大流动性
    "bufferAmount": 1500, // 保留数量
    "isStable": false, // 是否稳定币
    "isShortable": true, // 是否可做空代币
    "maxGlobalLongSize": 35000000, // 最大可全局做多头寸规模
    "maxGlobalShortSize": 35000000 // 最大可全局做空头寸规模 
"eth": {
  "name": "eth",
  "address": "0x448a3C8745D0350D0D4991b70C65D68859a3D87f",
  "decimals": 18,
  "priceFeed": "0xB8C458C957a6e6ca7Cc53eD95bEA548c52AFaA24",
  "priceDecimals": 8,
  "fastPricePrecision": 1000,
  "maxCumulativeDeltaDiff": 1000000,
  "isStrictStable": false,
  "tokenWeight": 33000,
  "minProfitBps": 0,
  "maxUsdgAmount": 120000000,
  "bufferAmount": 42000,
  "isStable": false,
  "isShortable": true,
  "maxGlobalLongSize": 55000000,
  "maxGlobalShortSize": 50000000
"link": {
  "name": "link",
  "address": "0x06D234b3F1847648EF706E38f6314dBdcC0B00f7",
  "decimals": 18,
  "priceFeed": "0x6d5689Ad4C1806D1BA0c70Ab95ebe0Da6B204fC5",
  "priceDecimals": 8,
  "fastPricePrecision": 1000,
  "maxCumulativeDeltaDiff": 1000000,
  "isStrictStable": false,
  "tokenWeight": 1000,
  "minProfitBps": 0,
  "maxUsdgAmount": 6000000,
  "bufferAmount": 100000,
  "isStable": false,
  "isShortable": true,
  "spreadBasisPoints": 20, // 0.2%, maxPrice + 0.2%, minPrice - 0.2%
  "maxGlobalShortSize": 500000,
  "maxGlobalLongSize": 500000
"usdc": {
  "name": "usdc",
  "address": "0xE2601442aA067015b0b385F038D1835707fDcFFb",
  "decimals": 6,
  "priceFeed": "0x9BB8A6dcD83E36726Cc230a97F1AF8a84ae5F128",
  "priceDecimals": 8,
  "isStrictStable": true,
  "tokenWeight": 45000,
  "minProfitBps": 0,
  "maxUsdgAmount": 180000000,
  "bufferAmount": 120000000,
  "isStable": true,
  "isShortable": false
"nativeToken": { // 原生封装代币
    "name": "weth",
    "address": "0x671F048f142604592BdB5f5AcFeA9fb2EE6BF16D", // 代币地址
    "decimals": 18, // 代币精度
    "priceFeed": "0xe04676B9A9A2973BCb0D1478b5E1E9098BBB7f3D", //Chainlink预言机地址
    "priceDecimals": 8, // Chainlink价格精度
    "isStrictStable": false // 是否严格稳定


  • 编译合约

    yarn build
  • 部署测试代币(主网无需部署)

    • 部署ERC20代币 yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network {网络} --name {代币名称} --symbol {代币简称} --supply {代币初始供应} --decimals {代币精度}

      • 示例

        yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network optest --name "Bitcoin" --symbol BTC --supply 100000 --decimals 8
        yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network optest --name "Chain Link" --symbol LINK --supply 10000000 --decimals 18
        yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network optest --name "USD Coin" --symbol USDC --supply 100000000 --decimals 6
        yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network optest --name "Tether USD" --symbol USDT --supply 10000000 --decimals 6
        yarn hardhat test:token:deploy --network optest --name "Dai Stablecoin" --symbol DAI --supply 10000000 --decimals 18
    • 部署WETH,示例

      yarn hardhat test:weth:deploy --network optest --supply 1000000
  • 部署全部合约与初始化

    • 修改确认 config\tokens.json 对应网络下Token地址与信息
    • 修改确认 config\contractConfigs.ts 对应合约配置信息
    • 执行脚本
    yarn hardhat deploy --network optest



执行部署脚本后会在 deployments 目录下保留部署地址,执行任务会加载保留的地址合约进行交易,请确定地址正确

  • 更新 spreadBasisPoints

    确认 config\tokens.json 中对应代币spreadBasisPoints字段,无字段跳过设置

    yarn hardhat set:spread --network optest
  • 开源合约


    yarn hardhat etherscan-verify --network optest