
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GPT on your data Orchestrator

Part of GPT-RAG


1 Data ingestion

3 App Front-End

Deploy (quickstart)

Here are the steps to configure cognitive search and deploy ingestion code using the terminal.

First check your environment meets the requirements

  • You need AZ CLI to log and run Azure commands in the command line.
  • You need Python 3.10 to run the setup script. Miniconda helps you creating and managing your python environments.
  • Azure Functions Core Tools will be needeed to deploy the chunking function.

1) Login to Azure

run az login to log into azure. Run az login -i if using a VM with managed identity to run the setup.

2) Clone the repo

If you plan to customize the ingestion logic, create a new repo by clicking on the Use this template button on top of this page.

Clone the repostory locally: git clone https://github.com/azure/gpt-rag-orchestrator

If you created a new repository please update the repository URL before running the command

3) Adjust your prompt

In VSCode you can change the prompt text if you want a custom prompt. Use the question_answering.prompt located in orc/prompts/ folder, just rembember to keep the Sources: {sources} text in the bottom.

4) Deploy function to Azure

Enter in the cloned repo folder:

cd gpt-rag-orchestrator

Use Azure Functions Core Tools to deploy the function:

func azure functionapp publish FUNCTION_APP_NAME --python

After finishing the deployment run the following command to confirm the function was deployed:

func azure functionapp list-functions FUNCTION_APP_NAME

Replace FUNCTION_APP_NAME with your Orchestrator Function App name before running the command

5) Deploy locally (optional)

With Azure Function extension installed you just need to open orc/orchestrator.py and "Start Debugging" in VSCode.
It will start the server in http://localhost:7071/api/orc.

Since we're now using managed identities you will have to assign the following roles to your user in order to test orchestrator locally:

  1. Azure CosmosDB 'Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor' role.


resourceGroupName='your resource group name'
cosmosDbaccountName='CosmosDB Service name'
principalId='Object id of your user in Microsoft Entra ID'
az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name $cosmosDbaccountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --scope "/" --principal-id $principalId --role-definition-id $roleDefinitionId


$resourceGroupName='your resource group name'
$cosmosDbaccountName='CosmosDB Service name'
$principalId='Object id of your user in Microsoft Entra ID'
az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name $cosmosDbaccountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --scope "/" --principal-id $principalId --role-definition-id $roleDefinitionId
  1. Azure OpenAI resource 'Cognitive Services OpenAI User' role.


subscriptionId='your subscription id'
resourceGroupName='your resource group name'
openAIAccountName='Azure OpenAI service name'
principalId='Object id of your user in Microsoft Entra ID'
az role assignment create --role "Cognitive Services OpenAI User" --assignee $principalId --scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/$openAIAccountName


$subscriptionId='your subscription id'
$resourceGroupName='your resource group name'
$openAIAccountName='Azure OpenAI service name'
$principalId='Object id of your user in Microsoft Entra ID'
az role assignment create --role "Cognitive Services OpenAI User" --assignee $principalId --scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/$openAIAccountName



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