
video intelligence Android SDK

Primary LanguageJava

GitHub release

video intelligence Android SDK integration documentation

  1. SDK Integration
  2. Instream Ads
  3. Interstitial Ads
  4. Ads Mediation
  5. External Trackers

Step 1 | Include the ViMobileAdsSDK library in your application.

To add ViMobileAdsSDK to your application, is required to add our maven repository link and dependency.

repositories {
    maven { 
        url 'https://maven.vi.ai/repository/mobileads-public/' 

dependencies {
    compile('ai.vi.mobileads:mobileads:x.y.z') {
        transitive true

please replace x.y.z to current SDK version

Finally, our SDK has a required dependency on Google Play Services Ads, so please make sure to include it in your app’s list of dependencies.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:10.2.0'

Our SDK requires the INTERNET permission, and the (optional) location services permission. Add this permissions to AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/><!--Optional-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/><!--Optional-->

Step 2 | Initialize ViMobileAdsSdk

Initialize our SDK as early as possible by calling the init method on the singleton instance and passing in a reference to the Application object, where mApp is a reference to the Application:

import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViSdk;

Ideally you should call start within the onCreate method of your app’s Application subclass. For example:

import android.app.Application;
import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViSdk;
public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {

For development you can enable debug mode by adding ViOptions to ViSdk.init() method:

import android.app.Application;
import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViSdk;
import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViOptions;

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        ViOptions viOptions = new ViOptions();
        ViSdk.init(this, viOptions);

If you are an SDK rather than app developer, you should initialize us as soon as you are able to access the Application object.

If you will try to get ViSdk singleton instance (ViSdk.getInstance()) before call init SDK wil throw IllegalStateException("SDK currently not initialized");

Requesting Ads: How to serve In-Stream Ads using the vi SDK

Step 1 | Add ViAdView into your UI

Put ViAdView into your layout




or create it by self and add into current layout

Step 2 | Initialize viVideoAd and load an ad

Create ViAdPlacement with the placement id from console

import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViAdPlacement;
ViAdPlacement placement = ViAdPlacement.create("Your placement id from console");

Initialize the ViAdManager with the placement code from console

import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViVideoAd;
ViVideoAd videoAdManager = ViSdk.getInstance().createVideoAd(placement, adView);

If you want to get notification about AD workflow you should create ViVideoAd with Callback

import ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViVideoAd;
ViVideoAd viVideoAd = ViSdk.getInstance().createVideoAd(placement, viAdView, new ViAdCallback() {
            public void onAdEvent(ViAdEvent viAdEvent) {
                switch (viAdEvent.type){
                    case AD_PAUSED:{
                        //notifies that ad is paused
                    case AD_CLICKED: {
                        //notifies that user click into curent ad
                    case AD_CLOSE: {
                        //notifies that ad is closed
                    case AD_COMPLETED:{
                        //notifies that ad playback completed
                    case AD_LOADED:{
                        //notifies that ad loaded and ready for play
                        //you can start ad playback by videoAdManager.startAd()
                    case AD_RESUMED:{
                        //notifies that ad is resumed
                    case AD_STARTED:{
                        //notifies that ad playback started

            public void onAdError(ViAdError viAdError) {
                switch (viAdError.type){
                    case AD_PLAYBACK_ERROR:{
                        //notifies about ad playback error
                    case AD_LOADING_ERROR:{
                        //notifies about ad loading error

Load ad


Load ad with auto start playback when ad is ready


Step 3 | Ad playback control

Pause current ad playback


Resume current ad playback


Close current ad


Requesting Ads: How to serve Interstitial Ads using the vi SDK

Step 1 | Add the Interstitial activity to your manifest

<activity android:name="ai.vi.mobileads.api.ViAdActivity" android:configChanges="orientationlscreenSizelkeyboardHidden" android:windowSoftinputMode="stateHidden"/>

Step 2 | Initialize ViInterstitialAd and load the ad

ViinterstitalAd interstitialAd = ViSdk.getinstance().createinterstitialAd(placement, new ViAdCallback() {
    public void onAdEvent(ViAdEvent event) {
        //All add events arrive here
    public void onAdError(ViAdError error){

Note that for Interstitial ads, we cannot load the ad and automatically begin its playback. Rather, you control when the ad starts playing.

When the ad has finished loading, you will receive the AD_LOADED event in the onAdEvent method of ViAdCallback. Note that you will not be able to trigger startAd() before the ad has finished loading. This is because Interstitial ads are cached before the AD_LOADED event is triggered, guaranteeing that the ad will start immediately after the Interstitial Activity is called.

Step 3 | Display the ad


You can also trigger the ad immediately after it completes loading by triggering it in the callback

public void onAdEvent(ViAdEvent event) {
   if(event.type = ViAdEvent.ViAdEventType.AD_LOADED){
      if(interstitialAd =! null) {
        //You'll get notified that the ad is loaded and ready

Step 4 | Controlling Ad state

You can check if the ad has been downloaded and is ready for playback.


Also keep in mid that all Interstitial Ads are cached. Please call closeAd() onDestroy of the activity, where loadAd() was called.


Client Side Mediation: How to enable Ad mediation support

ViMobileAds SDK supports three ad providers:

  1. AdMob
  2. MoPub
  3. Facebook

Step 1 | Add adapter dependency

In order to enable client side ad mediation, we have provided an adapter for each individual ad provider. Should you wish to mediate a specific ad provider, all you would need to do is add the required adapter as a dependency to your project.

dependencies {

    //AdMob mediation adapter
    compile('ai.vi.mobileads:admob-adapter:x.y.z') {
        transitive true
    //Facebook mediation adapter
    compile('ai.vi.mobileads:facebook-adapter:x.y.z') {
        transitive true
    //MoPub mediation adapter
    compile('ai.vi.mobileads:mopub-adapter:x.y.z') {
        transitive true

please replace x.y.z to current SDK version (adapters are supported from version 2.0.0 and above)

Step 2 | Register mediation adapter in ViAd

Mediation adapters should be added to Vi Ads where you want mediation to be present. Here is simple facebook example :

ViAdPlacement viAdPlacement = ViAdPlacement.create("Vi Ad placementId");
ViIntersititalAd viInterstitialAd = ViSdk.getInstance().createInterstitialAd(viAdPlacement, this);
ViIntersititalAd viInterstitialAd.registerMediatedAdapter(new FacebookViInterstitialMediationAdapter(this, "Facebook placement ID"));

That’s it. When there is no available vi Direct demand, the Facebook ad will be sourced and displayed in your application

External tracker: How add external trackers for ViAdsSDK

ViAdSDK provides ability to add global trackers on all events that happens within the SDK. This tracking should be registered once after SDK initialization. This can be achieved with implementation of ViExternalAdTracker interface.

ViSdk.getInstance().registerExternalAdapter(new ViExternalAdTracker() {
        public void adStart(String placementId) {
        public void adComplete(String placementId) {
        public void adPaused(String placementId) {
        public void adResumed(String placementId) {
        public void adSkip(String placementId) {
        public void adError(String placementId) {
        public void adClicked(String placementId) {
        public void adVolumeChanged(String placementId, boolean isMuted) {

For all events, the placementID determines on which placement the event occurred. Apart from custom events, the vi SDK also includes a pre-built adapter for count.ly analytics.

Step 1 | Add count.ly adapter as dependency

compile('ai.vi.mobileads:countly-adapter:x.y.z') {
    transitive true

please replace x.y.z to current SDK version (adapters are supported from version 2.0.0 and above)

Step 2 | Register count.ly adapter

import ai.vi.mobileads.adapter.countly.ViMobileAdsCountlyTracker;
ViSdk.getInstance().registerExternalAdapter(new ViMobileAdsCountlyTracker());


Java API docs of can be found here