
Basic Flask Form to Collect Input Data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Basic Flask Form to Collect Input Data

To run it,

first, in a terminal clone the repository and "cd" to directory "12-Input-Flask-Form"

$ git clone https://github.com/vi-u/12-Input-Flask-Form.git   


$ cd 12-Input-Flask-Form

second, in a terminal run command that starts a web server in your browser

$ python flaskInputForm.py

third, in your browser open this page:


The request.form has a dictionary structure:

form_data = {
'key1(field1_name)' : 'value1(field1_value)',
'key2(field2_name)' : 'value2(field2_value)',

templates use Jinja2 Templating Language

Types Syntax

  1. Statement Tags {% %}: {% if…..else %} – {% endif %}
  2. Variable Tags {{ }}: {{ variable }}
  3. Commenting Tags {#…..#}: {# comment ….para #} 4)Line Comment Tags #: #comment line